Need to find....

Started by s12ownerjdm, 06:50:21 PM / 04-Sep-05

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I need a couple things to make my S-12 complete...

Steering wheel
Passengerside sideview mirror glass (or assy whichever)
Rear hatch carpet
Center console cover

Help finding these items would be greatly appreciated. :firebird:


I have a steering wheel.  It\'s the stock 87 SE one if that\'s cool.


Thats exactly what I need.. how much man?   :banger:


i have the rearveiw mirror and hatch carpet(black). [a href=\'\'][/a], email me and i will send picts i would take 35$ plus shipping for both


by center console cover, do you mean that trim where the radio goes, or like ...the arm rest piece.

I have both.
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