Wanted "How-To"s

Started by Indecisive, 05:32:32 PM / 02-May-06

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Our forum has a WEALTH of knowledge, but our how-to section is sketchy at best.  I\'m asking ALL members to help us out here.  

If you\'re doing a mod that we don\'t have a \"how-to\" thread for, snap an \"in-process\" set of pictures and write up a quick \"how-to\" on how to do it.  

This is for the forums, so don\'t worry about web hosting.  If you\'re going to write a how-to, then just let either myself, or Travis(westside27375) know and we\'ll save some webspace for the images.  

All authors will be given full credit for their work of course.  When the website re-vamp comes, I would like to have all these how-to articles up on there.  

We also ask that all images are kept to a maximum of 800x600 pixels wide/high and under 150kb(give or take).  If you don\'t know how to do this, let us know, and we can do it for you.

~club-s12 staff
"I'm fairly sure that if they took porn off the internet, there'd only be one website left, and it'd be called 'bring back the porn'"