KelsoCorp Auto

Started by kelso840, 06:15:08 PM / 12-Feb-15

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I'll clean these up once I figure out how to embed a dang video. I may be dumb, but I (usually) ain't stupid.

Before 3" Magnaflow + gas leak:

After 3" Magnaflow (sort of) + gas leak:

Test drive demonstrating ride quality of Tokico (Stiffness Setting #5) + CM Spring setup. Sorry it's long, skip through as you'd like. Didn't get the finger guns in frame like I'd hoped..... FUCK! Camera gets re-adjusted at 6:15 and the video inverts from then on.. Deal with it.

Lastly, here's the trend plot of my RPMs through that test drive. Fired up ECU Talk an started logging just after turning on the car to pull out of the shop:
Infrequently driving an s12.


Here's the first attempt at fixing a pesky gas leak that's developed for no apparent reason. I haven't driven the car to test, but let's hope I got it.


Didn't see aything up top that would indicate the infamous o-ring was leaking, so I started dropping the straps holding the tank by removing 2ea 17mm bolts running through each strap on the front side of the tank. Also removed the three 10mm(?) bolts from the gas tank filler. Open the gas door and they're right there.

I took off one 10mm(?) bolt from the front tank shielding by the passenger tire so that I could pull the strap through and drop the tank enough to see the hoses up top. Whatever that is was loose, so I snugged it back up and put everything back together minus the rubber strip lining on one of the straps. Guess I'm writing that down for posterity or something.

Better view of where I reattached a hose that was not visible from the access hatch.
Infrequently driving an s12.


Today's lesson: Listen to Occam - I've got the Keith leak. Tried tightening those baby bolts holding the pump cover down and some were loose, one was absent,then I snapped one off...

Do I go ahead and spring for a Walbro since it will be out, and I'm planning on upping the boost eventually? Would this be what I need?

Gonna start researching the installation and look into fuel friendly RTV vs. a replacement gasket. Want to get this fixed SOON since 6" of snow fell last night. The BMW does not like snow.
Infrequently driving an s12.


The fuel pump takes some serious force to remove. It's wider than the hole it's coming out of, but I got it after much cussing and fussing.

Here's what I found.

Here's what I did:

So help me God, this better fix this leak.... I do not want to remove that pump again now that this nasty gasket stuff is all up in that mess. It's setting overnight with some stainless steel screws holding it down real tight. I know they aren't the ideal fastener, but I wanted to get this done today before the world freezes over and just grabbed something that would thread from Lowe's.
Infrequently driving an s12.


Hope that fixes it.  That's a sad O ring. I had to fight to get the pump out as well. Why would they make the hole smaller than the pump housing?? I turned it 100 different ways figuring it had a special way to come out but ended up prying & praying nothing broke.


Still wants to ooze out around around the fuel pump lid. I'm hoping what's happened is when I was re-installing the fuel pump yesterday I also managed to wreck the bead of Perm-Blue at the 12 o'clock position of the pump cover. When I went to test today it looked like the fuel started seeping up at that 12 o'clock position and then drained down and around.

Pulled the pump cover enough to see that there was no turd-like bead of gasket goo there. Instead it was a nasty runny gassy compound. Cleaned and dried that out real good and dropped a new nugget of gasket maker..... let it set up for about ten minutes contemplating my station in life ..... screwed everything back down real tight with minimal lateral movement in the process. Hoping to let it continue curing overnight in the sub-zero temperatures and praying it doesn't leak tomorrow after work.

Any pro-tips should I not find success tomorrow? I'm getting close to sending it out to the pro; need this car on the road right now.
Infrequently driving an s12.


Get a new o ring!  Also don't think that stuff will cure properly in cold weather, sorry - Red


I'm with Red. The northern Indiana cold will very likely keep the sealant from curing properly, especially during this cold snap. Anyway, RockAuto has O-rings for $11.


Message received. I'll make the necessary calls tomorrow and get to work cleaning up the mess I've made in preparation for a new ring.
Infrequently driving an s12.


I replaced mine when I changed pumps; no leaks!


For future searchers this gasket is P/N: BOSCH 68203

Post Merge

Managed to source a new o-ring today and got it installed. Still seeping up and around the fuel pump cover. Reassembled everything-- it's going to the mechanic on Monday.  :glaresad:

There's a chance that the leak is still present because I busted that bolt, so I can only fasten it 5/6 places. However, there was one bolt missing already when I first started looking to fix this leak. Unless that bolt wiggled its way out causing the leak to begin with (unlikely in my mind), I think I should be able to stop it with just the 5 bolts.

Why is there so much positive pressure in the gas tank that it forces air up the top and not out the dedicated vent? Do I have a stuck check valve?

Infrequently driving an s12.