Ka24e Coil Question

Started by Dragula, 10:28:36 PM / 11-Aug-06

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I'm currently swapping a ka24e into my 88 200sx formerly with a ca20e and have all of the wiring sorted out, ecu powered up, fuel pump priming, everything done except for the coil.  As is, I have 3 coils plugged into their respective harnesses, which looks a bit silly at the moment...So I was wondering before I go hacking into wires, will the ka coil work in its current form with no ca wires spliced into it...will either of the ca coils work in their current form...or do I need to alter the wires somehow in order to get one of these coils to work.  At this point, 240 pinouts are of no use and none of the 200sx diagrams are very descriptive or even accessible at the moment.  So could anyone who remembers what they did or has a swapped 200 nearby please lemme know what you did...even if its a ka24de(just in case).  Thanks.


Well, I figured it out anyways.  In case anyone was wondering, the ka24e coil will work with no modifications necessary.  Also, for anyone following the picture with the wiring connections, where it says to connect the s13 black/red to the s12 blue, the blue doesn't seem to provide a 12V supply so it would seem that that part is wrong.  I instead connected what is supposed to be a brown/red (it was a dark brown on my harness) which is below the green/orange on the large white connector.  This provides a 12V source so that the computer can turn on assuming the rest of your wiring is right.

So, +1 completed ka24e swapped 200sx.


hey , if u have any info that would help me with this swap (my first ever swap) i would apreicate it


Quote from: camwarrender
hey , if u have any info that would help me with this swap (my first ever swap) i would apreicate it

As far as the mechanics go, everything is a pretty straightforward swap from a 240.  Assuming you are going with a ka24e, you're going to need the power steering lines from the 240...or just make your own like I had to do.  If you're going to use the stock clutch fan from the ka, get the fan shroud as well...the 200sx one is too low, too thick and slightly offset and will just hit the fan.  The KA exhaust will work until you get to the rear crossmember.  At this point, you need to cut and weld to go either above or below it and then join up your muffler.  Also, grab the KA trans mount if you want to bolt the exhaust to the tranny...the 200sx trans mounts bolts are spaced differently where it connects to the exhaust hangar.  When you're dropping the motor in the car, watch out for the vacuum lines and 2 solenoids on the back of the head...I ended up taking mine off, cutting half of the bracket off, bending the lines slightly and then putting it back on after the motor was already in.  There isn't much clearance in the back, so this stuff can really be a pain in the ass if you leave it on.  Aside from that, its pretty easy as long as you have some mechanical ability.  

Then...buy a soldering iron and plenty of solder, shrink tubing and wire...I think 14 gauge.  I tried to follow the ca stock wiring harness routing and had to extend all of the wires about 2 feet.  Then follow some of the diagrams around here with the difference I mentioned in the 2nd post.  If you run into any issues, post up here and if you're lucky, someone will help you...although it seems like people around here like to keep ka swap info secret.
Anything else?  This was for an 88 with a ca20e, I'm not sure of any wiring or mechanical differences with a earlier or ca18et car.


hey , i am pretty much at the point u were at in ur first post, all hte mecanical stuff is done expet p/s but i can deal with taht after i jsut cant get it 2 start up, thsi is waht i have so far, getting power from teh green relay witch in that thing say they are both for eccs power, ecu is turning on but both lights are coming on , and fuel pump is going but not turningoff once its primed,i will see if changing that wire that u did will help but if u think i have missed sumthing let me know ( i didnt hook up that neutral swtich thing that it sed to) i didnt think it was important and only for autos but i might be wrong


Quote from: camwarrender
hey , i am pretty much at the point u were at in ur first post, all hte mecanical stuff is done expet p/s but i can deal with taht after i jsut cant get it 2 start up, thsi is waht i have so far, getting power from teh green relay witch in that thing say they are both for eccs power, ecu is turning on but both lights are coming on , and fuel pump is going but not turningoff once its primed,i will see if changing that wire that u did will help but if u think i have missed sumthing let me know ( i didnt hook up that neutral swtich thing that it sed to) i didnt think it was important and only for autos but i might be wrong

I basically followed this exactly except for the "Main Ign. Power" where instead of the "blue" in the s12 harness, I used the under dash brown wire which I mentioned earlier and connected it to the s13 black/red stripe.

This diagram might help a bit as well.

I used the engine control fused 10a + ?relay wire next to the tachometer wire.

Also, I believe the neutral switch wire will prevent your car from starting if you don't hook it up.  I think thats the one where you have to hold the clutch pedal down to start the car.  Also, I believe having the red and green lights on the ecu on is a good thing.


i will try those things u mentiond and update my progress asap thank u very much:)