'86 200sx Trouble

Started by Equinox, 10:08:15 PM / 14-Oct-06

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Hey everyone, I reently found a 1986 200sx for free (the old owner thought it had a blown motor but come to find out he didnt have the maf sensor plugged in...lol), the body and interior are in almost perfect condition, however the stock ca20 is pretty much shot. The #1 & #2 cylinder crankshaft bearings have gone bad. I took a look at how much work it would take to replace the beaings but I would more then likely wind up with other problems. I have been considering the sr20det and the rb20det (im leaning towards the rb20)exactly how hard is the rb20det swap to do? If anyone has done it, or knows how to do it I would greatly appreciate some help.  I've been trying to find an rb20det for a decent price  (locally the lowest i have seen is around $2700 w/o all the parts needed for the swap, which doesn't exactly work for me since the importer and I dont get along very well, lol)  If anyone knows a good engine importer for a good price plz help me!!


Basically, the RB20DET swap is by no means easy. I know that Draco has done it, but it cost him gobs of money and time. As far as engine importers, there is a thread right below this one (Click here) that has some of the recommended engine importers, cause let's face it... no-one likes to get ripped off by choosing the wrong one. In conclusion, use the search feature to look up all of the RB related info, and if you still decide it's the one for you, by all means, go for it. Just make sure you do plenty of research before you throw any money down. There is plenty of very useful info on the forums as well as plenty of people with experience, but searching is the best place to start. Anyway, good luck with your S12.

"She has sex with things that could populate a dungeon in one of the old D&D modules that was built around secret erotic frisson shared by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman"


thanks for the reply smalltar those links helped out a lot    I've since decided to buy a ca18det from japaneseengineimport.com   the car i have in the garage atm is a 86 200sx 5spd basically stock most of the bodykit except for the turbo hood. Will the ca18det be a direct bolt in in place of the stock ca20?  Will there be some thing si have to change to make it fit?  The engine im goig to buy is coing with a 5spd trans id like to put that in place of the stock 5 spd, would I run into any problems with that liek having to change the rearend gears or anything?   Ty all for the info ive found on the forums, its helped alot


I haven't done the swap myself, so I don't have confirmed info, but as far as I've read, the CA18 will drop into the stock mounts, but you'll have to do some custom work on the harness. As far as using the transmission, you can use the tranny that comes with the CA18, but you'll have to make a custom mount for it, as well as cut another hole for the shifter (as it sits further back). On top of this, you have to have the driveshaft shortened, but you'll have to search around for more info on that. This has been covered many a times. Try the link Here for some swap help and for more info, try searching for CA18DET swap, or something like that. Plenty of info on the forums.

"She has sex with things that could populate a dungeon in one of the old D&D modules that was built around secret erotic frisson shared by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman"


Well Im doing an RB20 swap, I dont care how hard it is It will get done! But Ive toyed with some FWD SR20s but I never swapped a motor. Also could someone tell me what is involved with the swap? What do I do for mounts? I know ill need a driveshaft. wiring is gonna be a b*tch and I freak out when it comes to wiring. even worse im going from auto to manual.
Soon to have a black s12 :)


Finally took some pics of it today, after moving and getitng it out of storage.