The 500sx

Started by Premo, 03:24:36 PM / 19-Sep-07

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some of you already know of whats been going on in my garage but i thought id just chuck it up on here adn make it final. i pulled the VG some time ago and bought a 95 GT stang for a motor set swap. that motor turned out to be complete garbage so i recently bought a freshly built 5.0. this one out of an 88 GT. so its gonna be running 95 efi w/a 88 block and heads. essentially the same w/roller lifters. until i get the car tuned it will be carb'd. that efi crap is just on there for mocking up. the VG mounts were stupid close to teh V8. i seriously just cut the tops off, moved them towards teh front of the car about an inch and a half and angled them differently. the oilpan is a premo custom jobber as the rear sump would hit the x member and rack. the oil pickup is a custom job as well. i havent really gotten to far on this project as ive been spending most my days this summer surfing so its kinda lagging along lol at any rate, there it is. i also have some coilovers (ground control) w/eibach springs and tokiko illumina 5 ways, poly bushings all around, etc. pretty basic shit really. ill post some pics of before i started taking it apart for the noobs and some pics as it sits in the garage now. its really a tight squeeze and i had intended on moving the firewall back in its entirety for for space constraints i couldnt get teh motor to sit under teh windshield so just the trans tunnel is getting re-done. im not sure what radiator im going to go w/yet as teh stock SE radiator is tiny and the stang one was to big. go figure! lol fortunetly for me the stang radiator came w/an electric fan so thats a plus as a fan wouldnt fit. ill also be relocationg the steering linkage w/a u-joint and pillow block bearing to make room for the drivers side header (mac shorty headers). more on that later. for now here's some pics. as you can see, that hood cowel will definetly be necassary. the shifter lines up perfectly too btw. better imo, its a few inches back.. oh, sorry for the crappy pics, it was dark out and i couldnt be bothered turnnig all the lights on in the garage..yes, im lazy.

discuss lol

They speak of my drinking, but they never consider my thirst
-Scottish proverb

Quote from: EternalSwapThe Greeks contributed to many things in our culture, such as olives, gyros, Lenny Kravitz, anal sex and Oedipus.
premo + hillkill + lots-o-beer =


I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence.


haha, that big ol' motor is gonna snap that poor lil car in half if you hit the gas too hard =P


woah, I'm excited for this to get going.


normally I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to some cars(namely RX7s)

but that bastard child IS FRICKEN COOL

hope you have a new place for a radiator
1984 Nissan 200sx S12 (FJ20E/KA24DE) its back on bitches >:)
1983 Datsun 280zx megasquirt project (H8FE02)
1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee - Family Hauler/Parts Grabber
"sounds like youve got a serious case of being a WHINY LITTLE BITCH, i'm prescribing you a large dose of MAN THE FUCK UP!!!!"


Nice work mate.

You would have to be loco to try n do it... but much kudos for following it up!

Keep us informed. As my friend keeps telling me... owning an S12 makes ppl do some crazy things.
Ban Low Performance drivers... Not High Performance Cars
Gazelle coupe



Our cars are in about the same shape...... a mess!  


What the hell Jason. That shit is sooo fucking gay. How dare you put that FORD (Fast Only Rolling Downhill) motor in the all-godly Nissan! I will never help you with that...that....thing

Quote from: David B
wow. im horny. i dont know why. but i just figured id let you guys know. i really wanna bite someones bean. i mean. chomp on some ass
Quote from: Arro on 12:26:40 AM / 10-Nov-10
hahah Alex just pwned C-S12, w3rd.


Street Weapon!

Spraypaint the windshied wiper arms black.

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


damn it man! u beat me too it!!! show pics of ur motor mounts.


firstly...alex, you're gay.  lol

as far as it twisting the frame goes im not to worried as a set of different cams will fix that.  im not looking for a low end tq monster, im gonna toss in cams that will give me good top end.  besides, the chassis is good for it or i wouldnt of done it.  and thats what sub frame bracing is for.  ive planned ahead man.  as far as loyalty goes to one manufactured to another, i have none.  whatever gets teh job done.  i had planned on building up teh VG but eh, sbf's are SOO much cheaper to build and easy to get gobbs of power out of.  theres really just a stupid amount of aftermarket for the motor.  ill get some pics of the motor mounts within the next week or so, im a lazy bastard.

im surprised no one made any wise cracks on that gay leapard print dog bed in teh back ground my wife bought lol
They speak of my drinking, but they never consider my thirst
-Scottish proverb

Quote from: EternalSwapThe Greeks contributed to many things in our culture, such as olives, gyros, Lenny Kravitz, anal sex and Oedipus.
premo + hillkill + lots-o-beer =


Quote from: Premo
firstly...alex, you're gay.  lol

as far as it twisting the frame goes im not to worried as a set of different cams will fix that.  im not looking for a low end tq monster, im gonna toss in cams that will give me good top end.  besides, the chassis is good for it or i wouldnt of done it.  and thats what sub frame bracing is for.  ive planned ahead man.  as far as loyalty goes to one manufactured to another, i have none.  whatever gets teh job done.  i had planned on building up teh VG but eh, sbf's are SOO much cheaper to build and easy to get gobbs of power out of.  theres really just a stupid amount of aftermarket for the motor.  ill get some pics of the motor mounts within the next week or so, im a lazy bastard.

im surprised no one made any wise cracks on that gay leapard print dog bed in teh back ground my wife bought lol
now that you mention it, it is quite gay =P


Good on you Alex.

This is something that I am sure has crossed the minds of atleast half the members here at one time or another. I'm glad to see someone do it.

I'm curious, do you think you will have room for headers? do you plan on running a y-pipe or make some sort of dual exhaust? I hope you make it so the exhaust pipes come out right before the rear tires. LOL...All I have to say is BADASS!!!!  
Travis Hatt
85 Nissan 200sx w/CA18ET: SOLD


thats actually what i was thinking about the exhaust.  we'll see tho when i get to that stage.  as far as headers go, there's all of about zero chance of them fitting.  thats where relocating the steearing linkage comes into play.  i believe i posted some pics of this on another thread just the other week, cant remember the thread title though.  dual exhaust tho w/an x or h pipe most likely.  but right now im more concerned on fitment then ill worry about things like that.

oh, and klox, i forgot to not the first person to do this swap.  someone else has done it but he asked me not to mention names.  last i heard tho he was pulling his 302 out for a 351 but i havent spoken w/him for about 6 months so who knows *shrug*
They speak of my drinking, but they never consider my thirst
-Scottish proverb

Quote from: EternalSwapThe Greeks contributed to many things in our culture, such as olives, gyros, Lenny Kravitz, anal sex and Oedipus.
premo + hillkill + lots-o-beer =


Do people think I was serious?

Quote from: David B
wow. im horny. i dont know why. but i just figured id let you guys know. i really wanna bite someones bean. i mean. chomp on some ass
Quote from: Arro on 12:26:40 AM / 10-Nov-10
hahah Alex just pwned C-S12, w3rd.


Awesome premo, Id love to see more pics as the project continues. Hope to see some videos of that beast running sooner than later
1986 Nissan 200sx Notchback *sold*
1992 Volkswagen GTI VR6


whoa... looks heavy

gotta be careful of understeer


yo premo! i would like to see ur motor mounts!


...i have mixed feelings on this whole project... but i guess i have mixed feelings about Premo too
1976 280Z w/RB20DET :)
1991 300zx Twin Turbo only way to fly!
1987 S12 SE rallycross project
1993 Sentra SE-R Sold!!! for puppy chow :)
2006 Murano S AWD pimp'n!


Quote from: Kenzman
...i have mixed feelings on this whole project... but i guess i have mixed feelings about Premo too
im not even gunna touch that one... errr... perhaps "touch" was a bad choice of wording...

still, it'd be fun to see this thing when its done