Empedocles99 Weekend Track Whore

Started by Empedocles99, 11:44:30 AM / 02-Nov-07

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Hi, I made a track car out of my 1985 ca20e notchback.
I've taken it to Willow Springs (all 3 tracks), and California Speedway. Next up is Laguna Seca.

I've done the suspension, racing seats & harnesses, roll bar, and engine management.

Next up is to put the T2 from the ca18et on my car, and hopefully not blow up the turbo engine.

Check out my megasquirt build thread: Megasquirting
Coming soon: turbo build thread

Here is a gallery of some random pics:

1985 Nissan 200sx Notchback (ca20e)
2005 Honda s2000 Sebring Silver (my daily driver)
1970 Chevy Malibu Astro Blue (a work in progress)


Sparco Sprint Seats, RCI 6 Point Harness, Tokico Illumina Shocks, SSC Springs, Front & Rear Addco Anti-Sway Bars, Porterfield R4 Metalic Pads, Konig Rewinds & Kumho Ecsta V710 205/50/15, Prothane Bushings, K-Mac Rear Camber Adjuster, z31parts.com Spring Seats, Autopower Roll Bar, Megasquirt & LC-1 Wideband (12.0:1 AFR)


Good job. nice car. as for the turbo blowing you might want to worrie more about your motor blowing lol.
hella not flush


looking good chriss!!  lol @ ass sticker on truck lid
They speak of my drinking, but they never consider my thirst
-Scottish proverb

Quote from: EternalSwapThe Greeks contributed to many things in our culture, such as olives, gyros, Lenny Kravitz, anal sex and Oedipus.
premo + hillkill + lots-o-beer =


Quote from: Premo
looking good chriss!!  lol @ ass sticker on truck lid

The s2000 runs A-Stock class in autocross, so I had two magnetic A's and two S's left over. It was the natural thing to do
1985 Nissan 200sx Notchback (ca20e)
2005 Honda s2000 Sebring Silver (my daily driver)
1970 Chevy Malibu Astro Blue (a work in progress)


Sparco Sprint Seats, RCI 6 Point Harness, Tokico Illumina Shocks, SSC Springs, Front & Rear Addco Anti-Sway Bars, Porterfield R4 Metalic Pads, Konig Rewinds & Kumho Ecsta V710 205/50/15, Prothane Bushings, K-Mac Rear Camber Adjuster, z31parts.com Spring Seats, Autopower Roll Bar, Megasquirt & LC-1 Wideband (12.0:1 AFR)


They speak of my drinking, but they never consider my thirst
-Scottish proverb

Quote from: EternalSwapThe Greeks contributed to many things in our culture, such as olives, gyros, Lenny Kravitz, anal sex and Oedipus.
premo + hillkill + lots-o-beer =


Looking great man, don't you hate how high the seat mount locations are?  Drives me crazy


Quote from: Empedocles99
The s2000 runs A-Stock class in autocross, so I had two magnetic A's and two S's left over. It was the natural thing to do

haha. funny stuff. your interior WAS in PRESTINE condition.


Quote from: asparagusLooking great man, don't you hate how high the seat mount locations are? Drives me crazy

word.  my head hits the roof big time in eric's (hillkill) car.  shit, it grazes the thing now with stock seats if i have it upright in a good driving location.  ugh  i hate being tall sometimes

They speak of my drinking, but they never consider my thirst
-Scottish proverb

Quote from: EternalSwapThe Greeks contributed to many things in our culture, such as olives, gyros, Lenny Kravitz, anal sex and Oedipus.
premo + hillkill + lots-o-beer =


Quote from: New2Drifting
haha. funny stuff. your interior WAS in PRESTINE condition.

Yeah, I felt bad about it, nobody even wanted the stuff, I tried to give it away for free, it all ended up in the dump. How tragic is that?

That is... I felt bad until the car was 300lbs lighter or so and was much more fun to drive

Quote from: asparagus
Looking great man, don't you hate how high the seat mount locations are?  Drives me crazy

Yeah, that's why I took out the front half of my cage. The cage would have killed my brainz.

I had a really, really hard time getting the seats mounted, and I am still not totally comfortable with how they turned out
1985 Nissan 200sx Notchback (ca20e)
2005 Honda s2000 Sebring Silver (my daily driver)
1970 Chevy Malibu Astro Blue (a work in progress)


Sparco Sprint Seats, RCI 6 Point Harness, Tokico Illumina Shocks, SSC Springs, Front & Rear Addco Anti-Sway Bars, Porterfield R4 Metalic Pads, Konig Rewinds & Kumho Ecsta V710 205/50/15, Prothane Bushings, K-Mac Rear Camber Adjuster, z31parts.com Spring Seats, Autopower Roll Bar, Megasquirt & LC-1 Wideband (12.0:1 AFR)


^haha I TOTALLY know what you mean. I used the stock rails/sliders with my universal seat mounts and I had to make the best of it. The seating position is great for driving I suppose, but it could be A LOT better.
I really wish I could do something as extensive as this but I don't think many sanctioning bodies would condone to this.



Quote from: asparagus
^haha I TOTALLY know what you mean. I used the stock rails/sliders with my universal seat mounts and I had to make the best of it. The seating position is great for driving I suppose, but it could be A LOT better.
I really wish I could do something as extensive as this but I don't think many sanctioning bodies would condone to this.

I don't race any sanctioned events, so that would work. I have wanted to make something like that, but I don't have confidence in my welder or my welding
1985 Nissan 200sx Notchback (ca20e)
2005 Honda s2000 Sebring Silver (my daily driver)
1970 Chevy Malibu Astro Blue (a work in progress)


Sparco Sprint Seats, RCI 6 Point Harness, Tokico Illumina Shocks, SSC Springs, Front & Rear Addco Anti-Sway Bars, Porterfield R4 Metalic Pads, Konig Rewinds & Kumho Ecsta V710 205/50/15, Prothane Bushings, K-Mac Rear Camber Adjuster, z31parts.com Spring Seats, Autopower Roll Bar, Megasquirt & LC-1 Wideband (12.0:1 AFR)


dumb question but why dont they allow that at sanctioned events???
They speak of my drinking, but they never consider my thirst
-Scottish proverb

Quote from: EternalSwapThe Greeks contributed to many things in our culture, such as olives, gyros, Lenny Kravitz, anal sex and Oedipus.
premo + hillkill + lots-o-beer =


not sure either premo... that seems way safer to me than what we have to work with stock.


Quote from: Premo
dumb question but why dont they allow that at sanctioned events???

Sometimes they're pretty particular about safety stuff, and assume that stock is better than the potential hack jobs that people do.

I don't have any evidence that it is not good enough for one particular body or another though.

1985 Nissan 200sx Notchback (ca20e)
2005 Honda s2000 Sebring Silver (my daily driver)
1970 Chevy Malibu Astro Blue (a work in progress)


Sparco Sprint Seats, RCI 6 Point Harness, Tokico Illumina Shocks, SSC Springs, Front & Rear Addco Anti-Sway Bars, Porterfield R4 Metalic Pads, Konig Rewinds & Kumho Ecsta V710 205/50/15, Prothane Bushings, K-Mac Rear Camber Adjuster, z31parts.com Spring Seats, Autopower Roll Bar, Megasquirt & LC-1 Wideband (12.0:1 AFR)


Car looks great! How comfortable is that sparco seat? How well does it keep you centered? Impair any mobility?
I'd rather be a matchstick than a lighter.


Quote from: DeathAndMajesty
Car looks great! How comfortable is that sparco seat? How well does it keep you centered? Impair any mobility?

You've got to be pretty narrow to use that particular seat. But... you do not move in that seat at all. The bolsters are really deep and the whole seat is tube-framed so it's rigid.

It's comfortable as long as you're not too big, I'm probably as big as I'd want to be in them, my co-driver who is a little bigger than me, gets his ribs get a little squished when he sits in them.

You can't reach much besides the driving controls when you're in the seat with the harnesses on. Ingress/Egress is pretty tricky, gotta be acrobatic and use the roof to help you out.

All that said, they are perfect for racing, and tearing ass around the hood.
1985 Nissan 200sx Notchback (ca20e)
2005 Honda s2000 Sebring Silver (my daily driver)
1970 Chevy Malibu Astro Blue (a work in progress)


Sparco Sprint Seats, RCI 6 Point Harness, Tokico Illumina Shocks, SSC Springs, Front & Rear Addco Anti-Sway Bars, Porterfield R4 Metalic Pads, Konig Rewinds & Kumho Ecsta V710 205/50/15, Prothane Bushings, K-Mac Rear Camber Adjuster, z31parts.com Spring Seats, Autopower Roll Bar, Megasquirt & LC-1 Wideband (12.0:1 AFR)


Sweet project Chris. But PS: Your steering wheel is inside-out. unbolt it, and flip it the other way

Quote from: David B
wow. im horny. i dont know why. but i just figured id let you guys know. i really wanna bite someones bean. i mean. chomp on some ass
Quote from: Arro on 12:26:40 AM / 10-Nov-10
hahah Alex just pwned C-S12, w3rd.


Quote from: EternalNewbie
Sweet project Chris. But PS: Your steering wheel is inside-out. unbolt it, and flip it the other way

What, really? haha, how do you know?

If I flip it the other way, it'll be even closer to the driver, the momo hub puts it pretty close.
1985 Nissan 200sx Notchback (ca20e)
2005 Honda s2000 Sebring Silver (my daily driver)
1970 Chevy Malibu Astro Blue (a work in progress)


Sparco Sprint Seats, RCI 6 Point Harness, Tokico Illumina Shocks, SSC Springs, Front & Rear Addco Anti-Sway Bars, Porterfield R4 Metalic Pads, Konig Rewinds & Kumho Ecsta V710 205/50/15, Prothane Bushings, K-Mac Rear Camber Adjuster, z31parts.com Spring Seats, Autopower Roll Bar, Megasquirt & LC-1 Wideband (12.0:1 AFR)


Yeah I dont think a steering wheel is ever supposed to concave outwards


Quote from: asparagus
Yeah I dont think a steering wheel is ever supposed to concave outwards

Eh, it works
1985 Nissan 200sx Notchback (ca20e)
2005 Honda s2000 Sebring Silver (my daily driver)
1970 Chevy Malibu Astro Blue (a work in progress)


Sparco Sprint Seats, RCI 6 Point Harness, Tokico Illumina Shocks, SSC Springs, Front & Rear Addco Anti-Sway Bars, Porterfield R4 Metalic Pads, Konig Rewinds & Kumho Ecsta V710 205/50/15, Prothane Bushings, K-Mac Rear Camber Adjuster, z31parts.com Spring Seats, Autopower Roll Bar, Megasquirt & LC-1 Wideband (12.0:1 AFR)