Empedocles99 Weekend Track Whore

Started by Empedocles99, 11:44:30 AM / 02-Nov-07

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i have mad skillz when it comes to working on s12s?

no, i just know which combination of shit to push/pull in the door to pop it open.  the black se is open now, too.
Sterling Picton



when i got it,

 a bit too close.  somewhat of a boostleak me thinks   So I tossed on some duct tape.  stupid.  burned off nearly immediately haha... some heat reflective furnace tape would have been ok but the car runs fine so fuck it! lol

that was a big update.  damn
Sterling Picton


haha sell me one of those seats for the drivers lol


great to see things going well for you out on the left coast! did you scrap the silver surfer or is it stashed somewhere for parts? what are your plans for the seats you removed? good to see an update, keep them coming.
on a long enough timeline, everyones survival rate drops to zero

86 200sx notch racecar (soon to be kade)
86 200sx notch ka swap project
87 200sx se welded diff beater
87 200sx se daily driver
76 cadillac miller meteor endloader hearse


the blue notch you saw when I was out (cheetah build thread) will be full track/drift car, so the seats and other go-fast goodies will go into that.  the silver car is just sitting on the side of my house waiting for the future, dunno what I'll do with it, as its non-op'd and not really any concern/investment of mine at this point, although something will come of it eventually.

this black notch is sitting atm I found the #1 injector pissing gas bad, so I'm swapping back to stocks for emissions and working with it later.
Sterling Picton


Lol that tricycle is fuckin awesome.
Quote from: ka-tgazelle on 11:24:56 PM / 01-Jun-11 FIrst my rims are horrible, than there ok when painted black , now my cars horrible, now my fenders are to much after i was told i couldnt do it.... Lol club s12 ftw.....  Only here have Ive been told they look like shit..... SOrry its not bone stock with crown vic rims running the stock vg making 130whp and looks generic like every other one. My car looks dope ive been told this a billion times on local forums....


Quote from: 200sxkitcar
 plus, lets not bullshit each other, its a lot less scary to some girl than some stripped out noisy ass 80s car- that I'll never give up on  

that was a big update.  damn

lmao yo i might be headed over ur house dude give me a call yo lemme know whats happnin im redoin my interior lemme know if ur still gonna use that cageo
ÃÆ'ââ,¬Å¡Ãƒâ€šÃ,«LOW.XII.POSITIONÃÆ'ââ,¬Å¡Ãƒâ€šÃ,».nostalgic car culture & club ÃÆ'ââ,¬Å¡Ãƒâ€šÃ,¦est.2004
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NEED S12 PARTS NOT LISTED IN MY THREAD? EMAIL lowXIIposition@yahoo.com OR Facebook US: www.facebook.com/need12parts/

Quote from: fyneyoungstunna on 07:29:16 PM / 09-Jul-11
Damn let a Nig have a moment of glory b4 you start fucking with him.


nom nom nom

I bought an s13

it has a sohc ka

it is wrecked

it was $200

I'm gonnna rape it senseless

I'm gonna stick the ka in this car

the turbo setup goes into the cheetah, which is headed to race duty.  a proper fit for this motor setup

its gonna be glorious

its gonna be alot faster than the infamous blue auto hatch I've been daily driving

i need a shady smog

and another drink

Sterling Picton


If it is gonna be a DD just get the engine bar'd. with all your mad skills it will be easy as hell. I mean shit if I can do it I know you can lol. Plus no more dirty smogs for you


exactly!  I have all the parts so i don't see why not.  I'll shady it for now to get it on the road and then do the DOT/CARB thing later, something I want to understand how it works anyways.  With only 115k on the sohc KA I don't see why with a decent cat it should sail right thru smog.  with a decent exhaust and a good filter this car will be quicker than it is now and get better fuel economy to boot (the turbo setup is nice but it sucks the gas.  ok for racecar not so much for daily)

expect good things!
Sterling Picton


lmk about that hatch and exhaust if/when you part the car

lmk about alcohol

Quote from: David B
wow. im horny. i dont know why. but i just figured id let you guys know. i really wanna bite someones bean. i mean. chomp on some ass
Quote from: Arro on 12:26:40 AM / 10-Nov-10
hahah Alex just pwned C-S12, w3rd.


I will let you know of course!

the bottle of captn is empty.  shit
Sterling Picton


Quote from: 200sxkitcar
exactly!  I have all the parts so i don't see why not.  I'll shady it for now to get it on the road and then do the DOT/CARB thing later, something I want to understand how it works anyways.  With only 115k on the sohc KA I don't see why with a decent cat it should sail right thru smog.  with a decent exhaust and a good filter this car will be quicker than it is now and get better fuel economy to boot (the turbo setup is nice but it sucks the gas.  ok for racecar not so much for daily)

expect good things!

haha alright, All it is, is a look over to make sure you have all teh parts and the wiring looks good. It cost 34$ and if you fail it you get a free re test and they tell you what you need to pass. I mean if you got all the stock parts it is a for sure pass. oh and a smog check, but thats easy lol


nice that is what I wanted to hear!  I think there is a state ref at the local college down the street as well, so it should be easy.
Sterling Picton


I wanted to correct your post about the ca18et injectors being 370's they are actually 270's unless of course you meant det then nevermind car looks good and I'm soooooooooooooooooo glad you took the wing off


ah, thanks for the correction.

car is in the process of shady smog
Sterling Picton


Sterling Picton