Xano's -Kaytei.Scarlet-

Started by Xano, 05:47:32 PM / 18-Feb-08

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your avatar is freakin me out.


that's what he's there for.
"Get Silly"

Quote from: Jom
i for one am a fan of the hyphy cats in oregon and i agree with what theyre saying
Ã,°Black '87 MKII Notchback *Keisha* (CA20E)
Ã,°Red '85 MKI Notchback (Being Built)
Ã,°White '84 Turbo Hatch (CA18ET)


Just an update, the car has been running like shit lately, having problems as noted in my thread located here. http://club-s12.org/v3/index.php?topic=20524

i believe its a problem with the Blaster 3 coil that I had installed, i think it may be bad.  I'm getting a blaster 2 SS tomorrow to replace it at no extra charge, as im fairly certain its a defective product.


Quote from: Xano
Just an update, the car has been running like shit lately, having problems as noted in my thread located here. http://club-s12.org/v3/index.php?topic=20524

i believe its a problem with the Blaster 3 coil that I had installed, i think it may be bad.  I'm getting a blaster 2 SS tomorrow to replace it at no extra charge, as im fairly certain its a defective product.
installed the new Blaster SS coil in place of the Blaster 3, no change in the issue.

Took electrical cleaner to everything i could find, didnt help.

Replaced the TPS, and I'll update when i get a chance to take her out and test it.


Quote from: Xano
installed the new Blaster SS coil in place of the Blaster 3, no change in the issue.

Took electrical cleaner to everything i could find, didnt help.

Replaced the TPS, and I'll update when i get a chance to take her out and test it.
New tps did nothing, new plugs and a blocked off vacuum line resolved the issue, im thinking it was the plugs.



I take that back...it delayed the problem for about 30 minutes worth of driving time, then the problem came back, its possible the vacuum line got disconnected again though, so i'll have to take a look, i think im gonna buy a bunch of new vacuum lines and replace them all.


so i finally got the brake leak fixed, but havent had a chance to bleed yet.....stupid me.

My brakes went out as i was turning down the street 1 block from my house, i had to coast through a stopsign and let my driveway stop my roll.....i think i'll be bleeding the brakes tonight.


Quote from: Xano
so i finally got the brake leak fixed, but havent had a chance to bleed yet.....stupid me.

My brakes went out as i was turning down the street 1 block from my house, i had to coast through a stopsign and let my driveway stop my roll.....i think i'll be bleeding the brakes tonight.
ahhhhhhh realistic stopping distances for the win.....i bled the brakes, and now i can actually STOP my car =D I feel happy inside now, and im a hell of a lot less scared when driving this thing now.

Sterling, Remember i said it felt like I only had rear brakes...I was right.  My fronts had so much air in the lines, but the rears were air free.


Loose fitting/leaky line, what was the prob??
Sterling Picton


Quote from: 200sxkitcar
Loose fitting/leaky line, what was the prob??
the inside but holding the BMC to the booster was almost falling off, and one of the fittings (assuming the one for the fronts, since thats where i found air) was not tightened down as much as it couldve been.


   wow thats bad.  Look for vac line pics in half hour, in that thread.
Sterling Picton


I love it when i go to do routine maint and something else fucking appears wrong...i need new rear calipers. the pads were almost gone, but for some reason, i can not retract the piston back into the caliper to install it over the new thick pads.


...you were turning them, right?

Quote from: David B
wow. im horny. i dont know why. but i just figured id let you guys know. i really wanna bite someones bean. i mean. chomp on some ass
Quote from: Arro on 12:26:40 AM / 10-Nov-10
hahah Alex just pwned C-S12, w3rd.


you have to turn it, not compress it.

the pistons screw out. its a function of the e-brake.


Quote from: brewster240
you have to turn it, not compress it.

the pistons screw out. its a function of the e-brake.
i know, it wont turn....thats the problem =P even with the specific piston turner and compression tool, bleeder screw open and all, nothin.


Lawl. I used the compressor tool from Autozone. I broke it trying to turn it in on my freinds car. I got my deposit back.

So rent AZ tool, and if it breaks, come back to us.

Quote from: David B
wow. im horny. i dont know why. but i just figured id let you guys know. i really wanna bite someones bean. i mean. chomp on some ass
Quote from: Arro on 12:26:40 AM / 10-Nov-10
hahah Alex just pwned C-S12, w3rd.


i dont know what a s12 caliper specifically looks like, but the bolt that holds the ebrake arm onto the caliper, where it pivots.

remove that bolt. well loosen it first, and see if that helps. spray some shizzle down in der.


Quote from: EternalSwap
Lawl. I used the compressor tool from Autozone. I broke it trying to turn it in on my freinds car. I got my deposit back.

So rent AZ tool, and if it breaks, come back to us.
i get autozone tools for free, im friends with every manager up there =P thats what im using right now.

but yeah, anyways, new caliper time, oh, and i saw the reason behind the problem....the big rubber boot on the outside, is all cut and torn in random spots, caused the one piston to rust to the housing pretty tightly.

The other one's problem is the same thing, except it broke loose from the housing, but the rust on the inside was bad enough that those seals were worthless, it was originally sealing from the rust holding them together.


20 year old calipers suck.  This is rather common, unfortunately.
Sterling Picton


Well, im officially a retard...the one that i thought had blown the seals.....definitally was the bleeder screw....i was drinking a bit when working on it last night and forgot to fucking tighten it back up...so yeah, i have 1 working caliper, and i can continue to drive my car, i just left the shitty pads on both sides until i buy new calipers.