1988 200sx Se Bad News...

Started by soapdude, 04:56:17 PM / 28-Aug-08

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So here's what I've been doing...

NGK plugs and wires
Removed AC
Working on intake
Cut the cat converter
Started ripping out interior
SS Blaster
60mm throttle body
Radiator flush
300zx MAF
Ordered short throw shifter
Can't remember what else

And today, I got slammed into by a guy who's brake went out. I was parked, not in the car, didn't see it happen... He came through a field, hit the right front fender, bumping me into a moving car, and then hit the car infront of me... He doesn't have insurance, but wants to pay for the repairs out of pocket.

Passenger fender and door are shot, passenger mirror is gone. Passenger fender is shot. Driver fender is shot. Bumper is mangled a bit...

Passenger wheel hub is bent and wheel is nicked up. Power steering fluid gushed out of the passenger wheel somewhere. Right now it's bent so bad that the wheel rubs the shock when you try to drive it. Power steering is out. I don't know what else is wrong...

So, if anyone has any parts or advice, I'd appreciate it. I'm pretty bummed, but I'm hoping to keep the car.. Thanks in advance..


Damn that sucks.

And what the hell was he doing coming across a field??


San Jose, California U.S.A.


It's like an empty lot at the corner of two roads.. He was coming down the one, there was a car in front of him, so he cut into the field, thought he could slow down enough, but was wrong... I was thinking about parking in my friends driveway too, but had decided not to....

David B


he probally was like. "might as well hit that old 80s nissan other then anyone important"

haha im happy i lose my liscense... no oone will crash into it

caged ca20e/ka24e/sr20det/ka24de/1jzgte SRA hatch. super sick

Quote from: Arro
Goddamn David you seriously are hard core man.
Quote from: tjs91tsi
Ohh, and unless you havn't figured it out yet, Stop driving with coolant leaks and Stop dropping nails in your fucking trannys!!!


Yah, well he actually smashed into me, driving me into another car that was moving, and then continued on to hit a late model grand am...! It's a four car wreck and he has no insurance!


Quote from: soapdude
Yah, well he actually smashed into me, driving me into another car that was moving, and then continued on to hit a late model grand am...! It's a four car wreck and he has no insurance!
the great state we live in requires insurance. WTF?!    

i have a feeling your in for a long uphill battle..Good luck. I may still have an old faded LF fender... ill look next time i get the chance..


Well so does our state, too.. but half the illegal aliens don't exactly have licenses much less insurance  

And no, I will not call them "undocumented immigrants". And this is coming from a half-mexican guy, too.
-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance


damn that realy sucks, how did you find out who it was? i'd say try and sue but with all the lawer fees and court room drama you might just be better off trying to repair the damage, or finding another car to start from
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat."

userbar by someone?

i know old navy sucks, but i can't help myself i like the music...

nunquam dormio


Quote from: sinestro
damn that realy sucks, how did you find out who it was? i'd say try and sue but with all the lawer fees and court room drama you might just be better off trying to repair the damage, or finding another car to start from
figure out what the cost is gonna be for repairs, ask him to give you it cash,  Then use that cash to buy ANOTHER S12, and start over, and use your bashed one for parts.


Quote from: Xano
figure out what the cost is gonna be for repairs, ask him to give you it cash,  Then use that cash to buy ANOTHER S12, and start over, and use your bashed one for parts.
Fuck yah especially since its a VG do another vg notch swap that would make the 4th in the s12 lineage in the us that i know about.
Fashion can be bought, style you must possess.

demonic s12

Quote from: Gopher
Fuck yah especially since its a VG do another vg notch swap that would make the 4th in the s12 lineage in the us that i know about.

true, vg notches are pretty sweet from what i hear


Hey guys, thanks for the support... He has insurance, but the truck he was driving wasn't covered..

The guy stuck around and someone called the cops because it was a big accident (His truck was not drivable). A local cop actually came into one of my classes to pull me out and let me know what had happened.

If he doesn't pay up, I'll definitely sue him and make sure they take his license.. I don't mind as long as he's honest. I understand people make mistakes and it sucks, and he screwed me out of some insurance money, but if he can make it right, I don't have a problem with him...

Jsvob03 if you have that fender, it would be amazing! I also need to come get that fsm from you...

I'm going to start browsing the paper to see what I can find... Thanks again everyone!


Another long post.....

Well, by the sounds of it, your S12 probably is done for.. Without pics, I can't say for sure, but it sounds pretty bad...

If the guy had an insurance policy, there is a chance that his insurance will cover the accident. I know Geico covers you in a car that you temporarily borrow, so have him call his insurance and ask..

Does your insurance policy have Uninsured Motorist Property Damage? If so, call your insurance, they'll pay to fix it (or write it off) and go after the guy who hit your car.

Suing him will be hard, and probably cost too much for you. Unless he has a savings account, there isn't much they can do.. Depending on your state property exemptions, you might only be able to get a wage garnishment, and if he doesn't make enough, then he doesn't pay. He could always file for bankruptcy and all of the debts will disappear (unless he was drunk)


Quote from: eminem_rh25
Another long post.....

Well, by the sounds of it, your S12 probably is done for.. Without pics, I can't say for sure, but it sounds pretty bad...

If the guy had an insurance policy, there is a chance that his insurance will cover the accident. I know Geico covers you in a car that you temporarily borrow, so have him call his insurance and ask..

Does your insurance policy have Uninsured Motorist Property Damage? If so, call your insurance, they'll pay to fix it (or write it off) and go after the guy who hit your car.

Suing him will be hard, and probably cost too much for you. Unless he has a savings account, there isn't much they can do.. Depending on your state property exemptions, you might only be able to get a wage garnishment, and if he doesn't make enough, then he doesn't pay. He could always file for bankruptcy and all of the debts will disappear (unless he was drunk)

Yah, I'm not too worried about it.. He works and needs to keep his license. He called me from his friend who owns a body shop just now.. If he doesn't pay up, I'll sue him and take his license, and not worry about it... But I don't think it'll come to that... Already checked with his insurance (which is the same as my insurance), and they won't cover it... I think it was his car.. Also, I just keep state minimums on my cars, it's just not worth the extra money for a 20 year old car..

He's calling around trying to get parts right now..

I think my plan is to try and get around a grand from him, keep the s12, do it myself (it's not really that bad if I can get the body parts cheap), look for another car, and fix up the s12 in my spare time..


just remember, you'll want to take it to a shop to have the frame checked.


Quote from: soapdude
Yah, I'm not too worried about it.. He works and needs to keep his license. He called me from his friend who owns a body shop just now.. If he doesn't pay up, I'll sue him and take his license, and not worry about it... But I don't think it'll come to that... Already checked with his insurance (which is the same as my insurance), and they won't cover it... I think it was his car.. Also, I just keep state minimums on my cars, it's just not worth the extra money for a 20 year old car..

He's calling around trying to get parts right now..

I think my plan is to try and get around a grand from him, keep the s12, do it myself (it's not really that bad if I can get the body parts cheap), look for another car, and fix up the s12 in my spare time..
Uninsured Motorist is only like $30 extra every 6 months (for me) and I'm 18 with a bad driving record..


Quote from: eminem_rh25
Uninsured Motorist is only like $30 extra every 6 months (for me) and I'm 18 with a bad driving record..
I'm so glad I turned 20, my premium went from 600 for 6 months, to 450 for 6 months the day I turned 20.


It should keep going down too.. Mine's down to less than $300 for six months for basic coverage..


with that damage, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't tweak the front core support a decent amount.  Check this out real good before ordering up a grip of parts, you may find it not feasible to pull it back together.  You have to disassemble the car to find out exactly what is wrong.

Take some pics and put them up, and we can go over them.
Sterling Picton


I appreciate the help.. I'll try to get some pics up this weekend..