Sick Of This Ca20 Bs

Started by Curlytoprob, 09:53:55 PM / 29-Aug-08

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Go CA or KA

function over power always  

or if money isn't a factor FJ20DET FTMFW[/size]
VG30ET > 2JZ > RB > 1JZ> L28ET> 4g63t > 7m > 3gste > KA24DET > SR20DET > *


whoa wait.... what is a fj20det and what does it come in?


Acutally FJ20ET, even though it's a twin cam engine... And it came in pretty much every other S12 besides US ones, also was used in the DR30 Skylines, AND a special twin carb FJ24 was used in the 240RS group B rally car.

It's also very rare.
Matt W.
Daily: 2015 Ecoboost Mustang
Previous Daily: 2011 Camaro V6 (tree fell on it)
Previous previous: 2013 VW Jetta TDI super polluter (got bought back)


Quote from: seishuku
Acutally FJ20ET, even though it's a twin cam engine... And it came in pretty much every other S12 besides US ones, also was used in the DR30 Skylines, AND a special twin carb FJ24 was used in the 240RS group B rally car.

It's also very rare.

But the engine is really really strong, you have to admit. 15psi on stock internals all day long and still reliable... I dunno if the CA ans KA are good anymore ha ha

Anyway, it's a OLD SKOOL engine really old, but it's a really good engine any nissan enthusiast that know about the FJ is literally a MONSTER and it is lol. the rods are just as strong as the rods found in a chevy 350 V8

1983 - 1986 Silvia RSX S12
skyline RS DR30
and the 240 RS

all had the FJ engine. It's more of a performance engine then anything else. the intake and exhaust ports are BIG for a street engine. Out of all the 4 cylinders Nissan has made the FJ bests them power and reliability wise.... COST and maintenance how ever.... is a totally different story. Because the engine became old people said "lets move on the next big thing CA then SR, Then KA" Etc Etc so, parts would have to probably custom made... which in more $$$ in the end... most of them are sold cheaply because of cost...

Parts aren't impossible to find, but you HAVE to know where to look for them, they might be hard to find sometimes, but it's a old discounted engine what do you expect.

Me personally if I had the money I would totally do it.
VG30ET > 2JZ > RB > 1JZ> L28ET> 4g63t > 7m > 3gste > KA24DET > SR20DET > *


Oh yeah, I know... I've dreamed of an FJ for a long time.
It was built around rally racing... And actually can probably handle 20+ PSI stock, it's very beefy.

Expensive to maintain though.
Matt W.
Daily: 2015 Ecoboost Mustang
Previous Daily: 2011 Camaro V6 (tree fell on it)
Previous previous: 2013 VW Jetta TDI super polluter (got bought back)


Yep, it comes down to the money. For half of what it would cost to get one to North America and then ship in the rebuild parts, then rebuild it, it would be cheaper and quicker to build up a KA24DE from the ground up for boost, and throw on a turbo and cheap manifold.

Don't get me wrong, I worship the FJ... or at least I used to, until practicality took the forefront of my opinions.
-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
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[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance


fj isnt practical because if something happens, you could be down for awhile trying to source replacement parts.

i also dont see why everyone likes the CA so much, theyre only like 20yr old engines. all of them need to be atleast rebuild