87se Build

Started by s12god, 03:54:23 AM / 29-Nov-08

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OK so my 87 200sx SE build is coming along well. I'm using a maxima  vg30e, side feed injectors, and maxima 80mm mass air flow. It's pretty much stock. Short ram, catback w/ magnaflow muffler, dual fans. will update parts list soon.


Quote from: s12god
OK so my 87 200sx SE build is coming along well. So far these are the parts I plan to use.
Pathfinder manifold, 60mm throttle body, Nismo euro cams-(392 inches), 255 LPH fuel pump, 3in intake w/ K&N cone, 2-1/2 inch cat back w/ test pipe and Magnaflow muffler, Ground wire kit, 9mm plug wires, New int/exh valves, fresh rebuilt block w/ balanced internals, Dual electric fans, Low temp thermostat,  no a/c, no egr/smog,  I'm going to use stock ecu, injectors, and ignition. i'm on a small budget so i cant go crazy. Most my budgets is spent at the machine shop, but i work for O'Reillys warehouse. So that helps. I would like to have at least 200 h.p. at the crank with my n/a vg. Does anyone have any suggestions. What is my potential power with these parts.

you might get 145whp with those mods.  your basically going for stock with a cam.  the rest of that shit is useless.

you will not get 200 hp unless you seriously up the the compression with new pistons.

also  the stock ecu and maf are very restrictive.  you need an 86 n/a ecu and maf.
you need both.

you also should get an MSD SS blaster coil.

and fuck a "euro" cam..  get a cam regrind.  go big or go home.


i'm just starting this build so buy the time I'm done I'm sure my parts list will be a little longer. i'm only looking for 200 hp at the crank. not at the wheels. thanks for the tips. isn't their a clip that plugs into my oem coil.  


What are you going to do for hood clearance?

The ONLY manifold that will clear without MAJOR surgery is the stock SE manifold. The 300 one hits the firewall and the Pathfinder one needs much more room (through the hood).


San Jose, California U.S.A.


Quote from: s12god
i'm just starting this build so buy the time I'm done I'm sure my parts list will be a little longer. i'm only looking for 200 hp at the crank. not at the wheels. thanks for the tips. isn't their a clip that plugs into my oem coil.

check out the faq section at the top for the ss blaster coil install

basically all you need is higher compression pistons and the 60mm throttlebody.  11-1 would be enough to get 200crank horse power(175whp).  200 whp is impossible on pump gas.  it would take 14-1 plus compression ratio and you would need 100octane at the minimum  and you would have to up your rev limmiter.

cams are more for adjusting the torque curve.  it will give more power..  but it will also shift that power more to the top end.  but i defiantly recommend getting this..
when you get past 5500 rpm.. the power drops with a stock cam.. with an aftermarket it will pull harder all the way to the top.
if you got a huge duration cam and up the rpm to 9k (need beef valve springs)  you could get about 160whp with stock compression.

hp = torque/[rpm/5250]


The vg30et oil pump produces 25% more oil. I plan to use that oil pump since I'm rebuilding my block, and I have to buy a new one anyway. Will I have to us the oil presure sending unit if I use that oil pump. I can shim the oil pump on the vg30et oil pump too right?


Go to VGpowered.com or 88hybrid.com or any other Z31 forum.  You'll find out that building an N/A VG is basically a waste of money.  With the money you spend on building up your N/A VG, you could easily turbocharge it and have the potential to make a LOT more power.


ok so i bought a 94 maxima with a vg30e i'm going to swap the engine out of it into my s12. will i run into any problems with the intake from the maxima. i dont have the original s12 intake or i would swap it.

94 maxima


yeah it wont fit right.but just leave your hood off.i will hunt one down for you.

-Macho Man Randy Savage


I know it will clear the hood the max max intake is shorter than the s12 intake but what about the idle air control valve and such. i need help come on guys you know this better than i do i cant find info anywhere.



Should i just use the maxima ecu and add the wires for the intake sensors. Or can I just wire it into my se ecu. lil help here plz.

Fuq it I will just jump in there and find out for myself. I will take lots of pics. and post them here. has anyone else done this swap.

It is the second gen vg30e. vin H I believe it's called. correct me if I'm wrong. So I should gain h.p. and torque. they both auto's. Maybe I can use the maxima shifter. get rid of the brick the s12 came with. They look close.


FYI Im getting ready to tear down this maxima I bought and it has side feed injectors. not dual like the z31,se. side feed like the vg30de/sr20de/ka24de.


OK I'm doing the wiring for the side feed injector swap.
I think I know what wires are what but just to be sure..
Whitch wires are (POS)-&-(NEG)

On the side feed harness the two wires are = cream which is a smaller wire, and white w/ blue strip which is larger.

On the dual feed harness the two wires are =  white w/ green stripe which is smaller and red which is larger.

I wired the large into the large and the small into the small. the 3 small wire were slightly different colors the 3 lagre wires were all the same color. This was on both sets of wires.

Finished harness:


a maxima ecu is completly different then our regular ecu..
maxima runs from an obd 1 style ecu like the s13 and r32 skylines.
it has a consult port which allows for a much easier way to tune.(consult allows ecu code checkers to work)

our SE ecu is obd 0 which is from  1980-90.  we have no consult port(we have blinking lights to check codes)

just use the bare longblock and switch over all the s12 manifold stuff and accessorys
or risk rewiring almost everything that runs along the chassis harness jumpovers

also its a W designation for the second gen block...


Is there any difference in the fuel maps between our SE ecu and the 3rd gen maxima's ecu?


Quote from: s12god
Is there any difference in the fuel maps between our SE ecu and the 3rd gen maxima's ecu?

not enough to notice...

besides  you'll need an safc to run a bigger maf anyways.  so fuel maps be damned


I don't see why I would this maf came off the same engine. same injectors.


Quote from: s12god
I don't see why I would this maf came off the same engine. same injectors.

yes but a s12 ecu runs off different parameters to archive the same things

its all a mathematical formula based on incoming voltages and resistances

an s12 maf is small so the voltage is ramped up for a lower flow.  when you switch to a bigger maf it reads less voltage and gives less fuel throughout the whole rpm range.

if you put an s12 maf on a maxima, it will run richer throughout the whole rpm range\

it will run lean with a bigger maf.  unless you get an safc to lower the voltage back to stock for the same flow. YOU MUST INSTALL AN SAFC.  or you will burn it up in a few hundred miles.  the stock maf might hit 5v before it hit redline, but it compensates fuel for it by reading the rpm and the max voltage.  like a map based computer but only in the upper rpms when the maf is maxed (full throttle)  
if you run more the stock max voltage (like 7v) then it will run even more fuel on the "map" based ecu math

if you get an safc, you could get a HUGE maf.  like an sc400 maf or a cobra maf.

with a bigger maf, you can trick the ecu into running richer with bigger injectors..  if your maf can flow 20% more air then you need 20% bigger injectors and it will go back to stock settings.  

with an safc you can run insanely huge injectors(1000cc) but reduce the voltage coming from the maf so it thinks you need less fuel then you really do.    or you can get a HUGE maf and stock  injectors,  the safc will increase the voltage on the maf to get it back to the stock AFR at a given rpm


Thank you for the info Firefox. Would you recommend a certain safc. Do these go hand in hand with a wide band, Or does a wide ban control both? I still learning when I comes to Tuning. Sorry for all the Q's.

Apexi would be nice. So would I be safe if I also bought some na 270cc injectors with a safc?