88 Nissan 200sx 13b Swap

Started by FridayNightHeat, 10:30:11 AM / 03-Jan-09

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just my opinion, but the biggest problem is getting the motor/trans in and everything hooked up properly, running if possible. i'd say do that, then worry about the condition of the motor, mods and such, just get it in and running. keep it simple to begin with or it will become overwelming and you'll lose intrest. believe me i know

in terms of the OMP, another good option would be to keep the OMP system repair the lines and mod the unit to run on a dry sump of 2cycle, and also run premix...
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"sounds like youve got a serious case of being a WHINY LITTLE BITCH, i'm prescribing you a large dose of MAN THE FUCK UP!!!!"