My S12 Snow Drifting

Started by Nitro789, 01:32:31 PM / 18-Dec-08

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why was my pic deleted in my sig?
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^i am guessing thats why lol
looks fun whos corolla?
i love how u went in the ditch, howd that happen
i have been doing this in the f150


Supo Dorifto!  Aaaaaaa ditch!  Bugger.  Someone, get a truck please.


funny story actually. I had been drifting in the snow for about 4 days in that courtyard and on skyline. For those of you not from the area its one of the best mountain roads to drift on (great corners back to back, and low traffic) in the area except no guardrails and some of the drops are over 100 feet   but the road is great and in the snow 30 mph drift up and down all the way kick ass. Unfortunatly (spelling?) the temp dropped on night around 4 and we didnt know it. It became very very icey. We were still driftin but slower, alot slower. I was with that corolla in the pic when he came across the 2way askin me to pull over so he coule pee. Well I pulled over alright haha if you look close in that pic there i a little lip right off the road. Its about a 2 inch cement lip so when i pulled over just a little bit it went over that and just drug me down. I wasnt even drifting   just stopping, i was only going about 2 miles an hour. It was so icey that a a 4x4 ford excursion slid in the ditch trying to get me out, the road is banked in towards that ditch so he was like 2 feet away from it but when he stopped the truck just slid sideways on the ice right in the ditch haha. It took two trucks and alot of sliding to get it out...

The corolla is my friend andrews he has 3 actually now. That one you see is nice Full megan coilovers, 4age bluetop, trd 2way LSD. He has a red hatch that he might be putting a SR20 in. Here is his website
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Snow Drift = Fun
Ice = Bullshit..

Me and J-Man were drifting for a good hour or so when it snowed. We met up with a dude with an RB S13 when we were drifting in a college parking lot.. He couldn't drift at ALL! he was using his e-brake lol