Kyskater's Offical Build More Turbo Just Shaved And Tucked Na

Started by kyskater, 12:09:22 AM / 16-Mar-09

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It looks like you need to have a garage sale, or a garbage truck to clean all that junk out!
'84 SRA VG Notch

Quote from: sam31183 on 07:14:51 PM / 11-Feb-11
yah, camber city called, they want you to run for mayor.
Quote from: jphillips on 04:13:34 PM / 30-Mar-11
Canyon go. Faster. And faster. And faster. And then youÃÆ'Ã,¯Ã‚Ã,¿Ã‚Ã,½re simply existing above an asphalt adventure.



got alot of it orginized and cleaned most of it... the thing is that we just did a b18 swap in my  brothers civic hatch. all the parts along the wall are a complettly stripped 91 stealth es, and my brothers 93 civic coupe.

Quote from: Arro
hahah NIPPLES, sam. Nipples!



Quote from: Arro
hahah NIPPLES, sam. Nipples!



Quote from: Arro
hahah NIPPLES, sam. Nipples!


anyone want to help me find a hood in the south east that is what i am waiting on for paint

Quote from: Arro
hahah NIPPLES, sam. Nipples!


Quote from: kyskater
i going to do close to bassboat flake i think..
I can't wait!!!    


ok so big update and many parts needed since i hit a deer 2 weeks ago i have leaked out ALL of the brake fluid. there is a stain on the floor from the right rear wheel. so i was wondering if anyone had a sra disk brake swap they wanted to sell for cheap.
monday i went and ordered my steering rack bushings from nissan.. 63.?? for the pair.
bought the lower ball joint and am waiting on the rack bushings so i can do them both at once.
i HAVE to get paint on my car it is driving me crazy...STill looking for a turbo hood.
and i need a new ps line along with new tires...... all this right after i hit a deer.
so since my deer hunting incident i hav sunk a total of $185. on  top of that i need to spend 275 to get is safe and reliable... driving 104 miles a day or more  is killing my car... oooo what shall i do... and I AM STILL LOOKING FOR A JOB

Quote from: Arro
hahah NIPPLES, sam. Nipples!


I like those plans...

And seeing garages like that is why i dont let the girlfriend store shit in the garage, and keep a non-running car in the way so nobody else can "Borro" the garage....

My cardomian thingy place a majigure

Silly Ricer, useless wings are for penguins!

1986 Nissan 200sx, notch, 5spd, ca20e.. my toy.
1982 AMC Eagle wagon limited, Auto, 258, a constant work in progress...
1986 Merkur XR4Ti, 2.3T.. A future project for when the 8mnth old is old enough.
1991 f150 4x4 xlt lariat.
1991 Dodge Dakota Sport 4x4 ext cab

1992 Yamaha YMF350 (Warrior) Supertrapp exhaust, K&N, Stage 1 hotcam, twist throttle, ITP Holshots, custom sprocket ratios, Dyna-Jet kit, etc etc
1970s-80s Kawahara BMX! custom bars, gt 3spoke rims, ORYG(Gyro), etc etc

Currently 2nd year apprentice, automotive service technition.


lol my parents think that all my stuff is junk and jhust throw it around usally it is piled nicely

Quote from: Arro
hahah NIPPLES, sam. Nipples!


Just our of curiosity, what are you driving 104 miles a day for if you don't have a job?


college..... it sucks but hey i am going saturday to apply at a ton of places in hopkinsville where i go to school and in fort cambell and clarksville.. i wish i could work from noon till midnight everynight

Quote from: Arro
hahah NIPPLES, sam. Nipples!


Quote from: kyskater
college..... it sucks but hey i am going saturday to apply at a ton of places in hopkinsville where i go to school and in fort cambell and clarksville.. i wish i could work from noon till midnight everynight

Dang. That sucks. Well good luck on gettin a job.


welded and installed the diff. ready to be on the road now

Quote from: Arro
hahah NIPPLES, sam. Nipples!


Quote from: Arro
hahah NIPPLES, sam. Nipples!


You have some more pictures of it? Did you trade just the SR for a 240 with a KA-T? If so that is pretty sweet.


yep straight trade lol going to pick up my free interior for it sometime  this week..... i thought it was a good deal

Quote from: Arro
hahah NIPPLES, sam. Nipples!


Quote from: kyskater
i going to do close to bassboat flake i think..
dont do that.. get the iridescent flake instead that stuff will hit your eyes way more then bass boat flake. not only does is stick out like flake but it also changes colors as the light angle changes
'86 1.8L Turbo