1985 Nissan Silvia RS-X (4/2012: FINALLY updated, ENGINE BAY DRESS-UP)

Started by Arro, 05:11:06 PM / 21-Nov-09

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As many of you now know, I bought Grant's 1985 Silvia RS-X. Grant brought this car over straight from Japan. Originally, it was an FJ20E, but has since been converted to a quad-carb'd setup using some of the largest side-draft units Weber makes. It's in amazing shape, only a few minor blemishes here and there... definitely one of the cleanest S12's I've seen.

My cockatoo friend and I towed an empty flatbed trailer all the way from Riverside area in southern California, to Dallas, Texas. Then towed the car all the way back. A grueling drive I will hopefully never repeat in a similar hurry. Not to mention the 20 through midland Texas is absolute boringness.

Cockatoo and I made the trip without any major issues, cleaned the car that night, and parked it in the garage.

I replaced the trunk-mounted Optima battery and tried to fire her up, but the timing is a bit out of whack... I'll be working on that soon. Needless to say I have to push it in and out of the garage for now. So today I took some pics, just in the parking lot...

An external oil cooler is chillin' (har har) in the lower airdam, but currently disconnected; The lines and such are among the boxes full of extra parts Grant gave me, and eventually I will hook it up. For now the engine has a filter directly installed.

Besides the quad carburetors, there are Nismo camshafts installed in a Nismo-spec FJ head, along with I believe Tomei adjustable cam sprockets... titanium springs and valve retainers, too. The head has been professionally-ported on the intake side. The fuel system is upgraded specifically for the carb'd setup. The pistons were originally 10:1, but a Felpro head saver gasket took the engine back to somewhere around 9.5:1. This was done because the plan was to supercharge the carbs. I will probably bring it back down to 10:1 with a thin Cometic head gasket. I'll also probably replace the fixed-adjustment (extra holes design) cam sprockets with fully-adjustable ones from Kameari. My goal right now is to get her fired up and then registered. Then later tune it more... these carbs are five-way adjustable... actually far more tunable than any EFI setup. Definitely can't say that about most other carburetors. So the car will stay set up this way.With some time and patience it's a good chance I can get 300 naturally-aspirated ponies out of it. From what Grant tells me, the car is almost there already.

Among all the extra goodies in boxes is a second FJ head and valve cover (shallow design), two S12-spec FJ20 intake manifolds (quite rare, most FJ's are from DR30's), an FJ20ET turbo exhaust manifold, and enough goodies to almost build a second FJ. Which is what I intend to do.... FJ20ET is now a firm reality for my future.... I see a certain metallic-blue S12 going very fast one day
-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance

a tin pan alley


Quote from: a tin pan alley
tap dancing
VG30ET > 2JZ > RB > 1JZ> L28ET> 4g63t > 7m > 3gste > KA24DET > SR20DET > *


could you take some close ups of the dash/ gauges and what not? it would be appreciated.

-Macho Man Randy Savage


Joe, re-read what I just edited in about the gauge cluster.
-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance


Congrats man i cant wait to see this in action....so how are you registering it???

This has to be the only Authentic RHD S12 car out here bad ass


-------------- [+_+] ---------------


are the little circles in the rpm gauge functional? if so, what are they for?

-Macho Man Randy Savage


Quote from: nismologist
are the little circles in the rpm gauge functional? if so, what are they for?
Probably warning indicators.

Normally 99% of all times I never get envious. But this..
I think I can sleep tho, knowing someone who knows the stuff owns it hehe.
I see you baby,
working that car,
working that car
working that car.
-Groove Armada remix

USEF says "Impulsion is the term used to describe the transmission of an eager and energetic, yet controlled propulsive energy generated from the hindquarters into the athletic movement of the horse.". How cool is that? Impulsion build here


Quote from: jeffwins24
tap dancing

BTW awesome arro, are you sure it's not a 24 though?
VG30ET > 2JZ > RB > 1JZ> L28ET> 4g63t > 7m > 3gste > KA24DET > SR20DET > *


did you get a adjustable fpr with a fuel pressure gauge also? I am not seeing one under your hood. Carbed engines need a ridiculously low psi for fuel. I think my brothers 16valve is running like 5 psi. I personally think webers are to complicated and an out dated design...but if you can get it tuned in right it will scream.

edit: on further inspection, i think i see a fpr and gauge....cool.

Dave Coleman for President of Earth!!!!
Build Thread Hatch CA18DET Eventually a Track Whore
Build Thread Notch KA24DE Daily Driver

Quote from: Kustamogenhaha me modding would be a disaster.....Id get all power hungry and  demand n00dz from everyone. Then make all the canadian s12er's come here  and massage my feet and make me jello pudding.

Actually....mod powers plz?!?!?!  0:)
Quote from: Shark808 on 02:17:44 PM / 13-Dec-11
Tedious?  This coming from a person who uses the word twice in a sentence?  I laughed repeatedly...


No, the FJ24 is actually a completely different block, the FJ20 block is *based* on it but is not the same casting. They say it's an underbored version, but that's not entirely accurate. The FJ24 and the FJ20 share the same stroke.

This car began life as an FJ20E. Even says so on the placard.

The little circles are indeed dummy lights.

I actually consider myself less of an owner and more of a "custodian" of sorts; This car is so very important to our community... it's one of the major hallmarks of the S12 legacy. To me, preserving this car is for the better of Club-S12. For all of us. Call me dramatic, but it's the primary reason why I drove my ass all the way out there like I did to get this car.

Quote from: sam31183
did you get a adjustable fpr with a fuel pressure gauge also? I am not seeing one under your hood. Carbed engines need a ridiculously low psi for fuel. I think my brothers 16valve is running like 5 psi. I personally think webers are to complicated and an out dated design...but if you can get it tuned in right it will scream.
edit: on further inspection, i think i see a fpr and gauge....cool.

2.5 psi... the fuel pump and regulator is in the trunk mounted on the passenger side

(that's the driver side for us lolz)
-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance


idk about side drafts

but what i learned from researching carbs. a carb fuel pump should usually push around 4 psi. again, I don't know about side draft carbs though.

and for a boosted carb setup from 4 psi - (how ever much your boosting, it varys very very greatly)
VG30ET > 2JZ > RB > 1JZ> L28ET> 4g63t > 7m > 3gste > KA24DET > SR20DET > *


Quote from: ArroNo, the FJ24 is actually a completely different block, the FJ20 block is *based* on it but is not the same casting. They say it's an underbored version, but that's not entirely accurate. The FJ24 and the FJ20 share the same stroke.

This car began life as an FJ20E. Even says so on the placard.

The little circles are indeed dummy lights.

I actually consider myself less of an owner and more of a "custodian" of sorts; This car is so very important to our community... it's one of the major hallmarks of the S12 legacy. To me, preserving this car is for the better of Club-S12. For all of us. Call me dramatic, but it's the primary reason why I drove my ass all the way out there like I did to get this car.

2.5 psi... the fuel pump and regulator is in the trunk mounted on the passenger side  

(that's the driver side for us lolz)

but the gauge is located in the engine bay underneath the carbs? 2.5 sounds kind of low...even for carbs. How do the plugs look after trying to fire it up a couple of times? Does the choke pull all of the way out?

jeff, side drafts run about 5 psi...my brother is running side draft mikuni's on his ae86.

Dave Coleman for President of Earth!!!!
Build Thread Hatch CA18DET Eventually a Track Whore
Build Thread Notch KA24DE Daily Driver

Quote from: Kustamogenhaha me modding would be a disaster.....Id get all power hungry and  demand n00dz from everyone. Then make all the canadian s12er's come here  and massage my feet and make me jello pudding.

Actually....mod powers plz?!?!?!  0:)
Quote from: Shark808 on 02:17:44 PM / 13-Dec-11
Tedious?  This coming from a person who uses the word twice in a sentence?  I laughed repeatedly...

David B

duh, the administrator of the forum HAS to have the rhd fj s12

congrats. that drive was worth it

caged ca20e/ka24e/sr20det/ka24de/1jzgte SRA hatch. super sick

Quote from: Arro
Goddamn David you seriously are hard core man.
Quote from: tjs91tsi
Ohh, and unless you havn't figured it out yet, Stop driving with coolant leaks and Stop dropping nails in your fucking trannys!!!


Quote from: sam31183

jeff, side drafts run about 5 psi...my brother is running side draft mikuni's on his ae86.

thank you for clearing that up. if that is the case time to see whats up with the fuel pump/filter arro
VG30ET > 2JZ > RB > 1JZ> L28ET> 4g63t > 7m > 3gste > KA24DET > SR20DET > *


fuel pump is easy to check...just make sure he has pressure at the gauge. I would try to turn it up so you have 4 psi at the gauge...2.5 sounds to low. Basically you just need to get it to start...if its rich its rich and you can lean her down. Check the plugs though...that will tell you a lot about whats going on.

Dave Coleman for President of Earth!!!!
Build Thread Hatch CA18DET Eventually a Track Whore
Build Thread Notch KA24DE Daily Driver

Quote from: Kustamogenhaha me modding would be a disaster.....Id get all power hungry and  demand n00dz from everyone. Then make all the canadian s12er's come here  and massage my feet and make me jello pudding.

Actually....mod powers plz?!?!?!  0:)
Quote from: Shark808 on 02:17:44 PM / 13-Dec-11
Tedious?  This coming from a person who uses the word twice in a sentence?  I laughed repeatedly...


Well I forgot to take a picture of the trunk which has the fuel pump, regulator, and trunk-mounted Optima battery. I'll do that tonight if I remember. But from what I've been told, 2.5 psi is where it needs to be. Again I'm still learning about carbs so who knows lol.
-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance


if i had the dough I wouldve picked it up for double the price it was offered. good job arro.

-Macho Man Randy Savage


You the man Arro!

Awesome ride. Great owner for it. Congratulations!