1985 Nissan Silvia RS-X (4/2012: FINALLY updated, ENGINE BAY DRESS-UP)

Started by Arro, 05:11:06 PM / 21-Nov-09

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Quote from: Jay on 03:59:49 AM / 18-Oct-10
While I know how well the neon handles (I did own an ACR after all, and am no stranger to saying I hated it. profusely.), I will contend this one. But alas, neither of us will be able to prove it in a head to head my S12 vs your neon track day

True, and we strayed off-topic anyways. I just mentioned I owned a Neon, wasnt interested in defending my ownership of it. And not certainly in this thread lol

Quote from: Jay on 03:59:49 AM / 18-Oct-10 I didn't know you owned a corrado... VR6 or G60?
(My friend seth had one)
He's long since sold it, but it was such a slow car for what he did

Mine is a G60. Lots of low-end torque but not a lot of top-end. Quick off the line but runs out of breath due to the counterflowing ports and single cam. Could use portwork and turbo to wake it up ;)

Anyways like I said, we're straying off-topic, I'm asking we keep to the subject of the RS-X.
-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance


So getting the RS-X is a low priority?  That's a shame.  The car deserves to be brought back imo.  Didnt you tell me at JCCS that you should have it running in the couple of weeks after when I said I hoped it was able to be driven next year for JCCS?  The parts and information is out there to get it running, so go for it.

I dont get your 'task' of being the custodian of the car.  You bought the car.  Whether or not the guy liked you is irrelevant.  I talked to the owner quite a bit before you bought it and was contemplating it.  Randy and I were considering picking it up but decided to go against it since I had my hands full with my RB project and he with the billion other things.  Not to mention, both of us lived in apartments so did not have a place to store it unfortunately.  But in the end, you bought the car, as simple as that.

As for the wrong market decals... I disagree.  All our cars were made in Japan, many of the same plants as the other S12s.  Due to our culture they had to change it from RHD to LHD and change the name from Silvia to 200sx.  That doesnt mean that any of our cars are any less than.  They just have different options for a different market; basically it was a business decision to ensure that the car would sell.  Like the Pontiac GTO.  Despite the change in badge and a few options, they are all still aVauxhaul/Holden VR8/Monaro.

Either way, should put some effort into the RS-X.  You're already part there, may as well finish it.


*sigh* Colin, Colin... I hope this sets some things straight. Not sure you get why I bought the car, why it's not running yet, and why for the nearby future it's low priority....

Sterling, Greg, and I and another guy (who knows AE86's and weber carbs) spent time trying to sort it out. We swapped cams, played with the distributor, and watched the valvetrain move as we cranked it over. It should have run but it didn't.

I took over a big question mark project. What Grant said and what is really going on is difficult to sort out. It sat for almost two years not running. Everything we've done to it that *should* have got it running did not. Grant had told me that he was trying to get it running and that he *thought* he was a tooth or two off on the cam sprockets. The problem with that is these are not FJ20 cam sprockets. These are FJ24 JUN brand cam sprockets, and the FJ24 cam sprocket specs are DIFFERENT than the FJ20. Also, these JUN sprockets have NO keyways, so if he was wrong then I may possibly have BENT VALVES. This would account for why there is a lack of compression when I manually crank the engine over. So while there may be an issue with the carbs, but there also seems to be something up with the timing and/or the valvetrain. It's going to take more work than I originally expected because 1. I am going to go ahead and rebuild the two carbeurators, and 2. I may have something more going on with the valvetrain that is not evident from external view.

#1 is just going to require me to buy two rebuild kits and (carefully) rebuild the carbs. Since I have zero experience with carbs, this isn't something I want to rush on a late night. However I have been told that the rebuild kits aren't expensive.

#2 is a different matter. I'm considering pulling the engine and going through it from scratch. That way I'm not playing a guessing game, but instead starting from scratch and getting it straight top to bottom. That way I can see if there's valve damage or not.

On top of this, I have gone from part time work and full-schedule school to full-time work and full-schedule school. Since I am not paying a garage to build my cars for me, I'm the one who will have to rebuild these carbs, and if need be, I will be the one to pull this engine out (which is probably going to be the route I will go). It's now low priority at the moment because I'm BUSY. I don't just show up to work. I'm currently the top producer in my store, and bring in more sales than every other associate put together. I'm also struggling with a couple of my classes because sometimes school is a bitch (difficult). The blue S12 is for now in decent status. And I'm going to be doing more home repair shit around the house. So I will get to the Silvia when I get the time.

As far as myself as the custodian... I had my eyes on something entirely different. I don't really like notches. I would have rather sunk cash into an FJ20ET build in the blue car. And I was saving also to buy the IS300. I wanted *some* money left over, but then the Silvia came up for sale. Sterling and I talked about it. It was HIS sentiments that someone who understood its historic value should buy it. Not to showboat down the road and risk destroying it. But to preserve it. I agreed. I had the funds, and I talked to Grant. He'd already turned down three offers that were higher than I agreed to pay him. He went with me because he knew that I understood what kind of owner he was looking to sell it to.

I told him personally that I was buying it so that lots of people (not just a few socal S12 people) could see a REAL fucking LEGITIMATE Nissan Silvia. Not something with decals put on it. I never really liked that 240SX guys would throw on "Silvia" badges, and I've been making fun of that since it started, along with guys throwing "GT-R" and "R" badges on everything from Mustangs to Hyundais. This isn't a decal, it's an entire car, imported from Japan. One of only two on this side of the world.

More importantly, it is a LEGITIMATE RS-X. You talk about "Silvia" vs. "200SX", but "RS-X" doesn't mean a notchback with a V6 or KA (sorry Justen but you two are the only immediate examples I can think of). Anyways, you can decalize whatever you want to on your car, it's a free country. Anyone can. But I'm just not a fan. This RS-X is something more, and yet... there are presently no decals on it. Hmmm.

So anyways, yes, I bought this thing because I am the legitimate custodian for it. I didn't build the engine. I didn't paint the car. I didn't install and tune the suspension. I just ensured that it would go to a safe haven (which is what Grant wanted), and that *at least* once a year, hundreds of people would get to see what a real S12 Silvia looks like.

When I get the time and the energy, *I* will go through the mysterious workings of this engine so that it's no longer a mystery. I, not a shop. That means it doesn't get done based on how much money I throw it at. It means it gets done when I can.

I understand lots of you (including Colin) want to see that it actually gets done. I agree! But understand that I do have a life and right now, I'm ensuring it stays safe until such time that I do sort out the mechanicals.

Post Merge: 10:38:45 PM / 25-Oct-10

I removed a post that I felt misses my point entirely. This isn't about what makes a Silvia "better" or "different" than a 200SX. Although there is a huge difference in that the firewall is literally inverse of a LHD vehicle. Means that the brake booster, for one thing, is in the wrong place in relation to the engine. In some cases it might cause an issue, in others it may not.

Anyways, this thread isn't where I'll discuss the merits and flaws in my reasons for obtaining the car. Or about how many (be it two or a few, sheesh) are in this side of the world. It's about the car. I've covered why I bought it, why I haven't got it running yet, and that to me it's more important overall that it's reasonably preserved. If that doesn't make sense to people, then they're senseless.

It stays to that or I boot out posts. That's what I'd do in anyone's thread.
-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance


Sick. Stock Fj20Et or bust. Lol modz.
1987 Nissan 200sx SE ("The Squirrely Drifter") - Totaled and Gone forever
1987 Nissan 200sx SE ("The Weebly Wobbler") - Impounded and Gone forever
2007 Kia Spectra - Fantastic Daily Driver - Custom CAI, NGK wires/plugs.
2002 Hyundai Accent - Totaled and Gone Forever.

MAXPOW'S PARTS SALES: http://club-s12.org/v3/index.php?topic=31350.new#new
SEND ME A PMhttp://club-s12.org/v3/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;u=2092 /EMAIL Maxpow99@hotmail.com

Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance.

Quote from: Jay on 10:01:05 PM / 14-Nov-11
And, I'm going to say this publicly. Maxpow knows how to keep me at bay, while still laughing with him. Take lessons y'all


So I finally found out more information on the wheels.

They are  Volk Racing CV-Pro's, forged and weigh in at ~16 lbs. Super light!

-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance


not a huge fan of them wheels but there koo fit the car nice.......
one and only thing i dont like about the car is the rear wing.  not a big fan but each there own liking


It's fine u can use the car in example however you want I don't really care..... 200sx, silvias, gazelles whatever u wanna call them they're all the same door wedge shaped cars anyways.....

ÃÆ'ââ,¬Å¡Ãƒâ€šÃ,«LOW.XII.POSITIONÃÆ'ââ,¬Å¡Ãƒâ€šÃ,».nostalgic car culture & club ÃÆ'ââ,¬Å¡Ãƒâ€šÃ,¦est.2004
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NEED S12 PARTS NOT LISTED IN MY THREAD? EMAIL lowXIIposition@yahoo.com OR Facebook US: www.facebook.com/need12parts/

Quote from: fyneyoungstunna on 07:29:16 PM / 09-Jul-11
Damn let a Nig have a moment of glory b4 you start fucking with him.


Quote from: Arro on 09:57:58 PM / 25-Oct-10
Sterling, Greg, and I and another guy (who knows AE86's and weber carbs) spent time trying to sort it out. We swapped cams, played with the distributor, and watched the valvetrain move as we cranked it over. It should have run but it didn't.

I took over a big question mark project. What Grant said and what is really going on is difficult to sort out. It sat for almost two years not running. Everything we've done to it that *should* have got it running did not. Grant had told me that he was trying to get it running and that he *thought* he was a tooth or two off on the cam sprockets. The problem with that is these are not FJ20 cam sprockets. These are FJ24 JUN brand cam sprockets, and the FJ24 cam sprocket specs are DIFFERENT than the FJ20. Also, these JUN sprockets have NO keyways, so if he was wrong then I may possibly have BENT VALVES. This would account for why there is a lack of compression when I manually crank the engine over. So while there may be an issue with the carbs, but there also seems to be something up with the timing and/or the valvetrain. It's going to take more work than I originally expected because 1. I am going to go ahead and rebuild the two carbeurators, and 2. I may have something more going on with the valvetrain that is not evident from external view.

do you have any compression at all when cranking it, low compression when cranking it by hands could be had because of the high cam duration, or the rings not sealing properly, pour some oil down the spark plug hole and run a compression test (if you already have turned the engine, if the valves are bent or not, the damage is already done) if you are getting better number you could have ring problem...if you have no compression what so ever, your timing is probably wrong (or at least was wrong at one time) because your valve are done

for the cams, get yourself a set of timing dials and get on with it, it'll take an afternoon... you bolt a degree wheel on the crank pulley, put that thing a TDC for centering your 0, remove the camcover and bolt a depth dial on on of the exhaust valves... rotate the engine slowly by hands till you see the valve close completly, mark the BTDC degres that is your exhaust valve close... turn it until the dial moves again and mark it, what ever the cam you have, you can now locate where your center should be, it's half way in between... match it with the FSM and it should be around 1 or 2 degres on the (crank sprocket) either way.... repete for the intake cam and you'll see if you are 1 or 2 tooth off on the cam sproket, which would be more like 10 or 20, maybe more, on the main sprocket (reduction of 1/2) degres (depending on the number of tooth)  it'll take a couple of hours with dissambly and reassembly but at least, you'll know if you are timed right, if yes, and you have compresson, move on to the carbs...

I mean it's not like it's expensive... should be free if you have a timing set, otherwise, I'm sure someone close by can lend on for you for real cheap... and it's not likely to take a real big time, just couple of hours and at least you'll be set... even if it's low priority, knowing the next move in advance helps to plan things ahead and waste less time in the end... just my 2cents

but keep it up, we're all very anxious to hear that thing runs... I'm a big fan of N/A fours with big cam on ITB/side draft build with a "less is more" attitude and your is exactly that IMO
Corolla TE31 1977 (traded)
Corolla KE20 1974 (Project)


*dusts off the thread*

It's been awhile since I've posted anything... and I've been out of work for a year now, along with an increased school schedule (full schedule is 12 units, I'm taking 18 this semester and 20 next). So there still hasn't been much time for me to try to get things working right. I also have TWO S12's that seem to be in need of odds and ends, and that costs...

BUT... I'm not getting rid of the RS-X. Yes, you read that right. I'm not getting rid of the RS-X.

Still... there are a few things I wanted to do over spring break, and one of those things was with the RS-X...

OBX 10.3mm wires, and a freshly powdercoated valve cover. This is the standard FJ20E/ET valve cover; the one that was on there before was the taller NISMO unit. I will probably coat that one, too, but I figured I'd coat this first to test things out. Didn't turn out that bad at all.

I have some other things to coat on the RS-X... I think I will try to do a bit more each year to it. I may try to get it running again as carb'd while I gather parts for something... something else :innocent:

-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance

Jeremy A

Lookin so good.  What are you go to school for man? That's a lot of credits for a semester.


Wow, looks great!!! Loving this car. I hope you get it up and running!!!
Travis Hatt
85 Nissan 200sx w/CA18ET: SOLD


what color powder did you use? ill be coating as soon as i can find a cheap used oven lol.
keep it up :)
1984 Nissan 200sx S12 (FJ20E/KA24DE) its back on bitches >:)
1983 Datsun 280zx megasquirt project (H8FE02)
1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee - Family Hauler/Parts Grabber
"sounds like youve got a serious case of being a WHINY LITTLE BITCH, i'm prescribing you a large dose of MAN THE FUCK UP!!!!"


"HF red" as I call it. Cheap Harbor Freight red. Surprised it came out as good as it did.

-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance


Arro can you update us on the status please? I would like to absorb some FJ knowledge.

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.