So I Might Be To Low

Started by chad-s12-drift, 07:01:42 PM / 21-Dec-09

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cause i got stuck the other day trying to enter a parking lot with a slight incline
i pushed my car back and tried again for shits and giggles and my tire was like 5in off the ground


FAIL lol, any other pictures?

DOUBLE FAIL, this is in the garage section, should be in the gallery.


no i only took the one pic i was on lunch and in a hurry to get food


if you were in cali you could prolly join the slam

Dave Coleman for President of Earth!!!!
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Build Thread Notch KA24DE Daily Driver

Quote from: Kustamogenhaha me modding would be a disaster.....Id get all power hungry and  demand n00dz from everyone. Then make all the canadian s12er's come here  and massage my feet and make me jello pudding.

Actually....mod powers plz?!?!?!  0:)
Quote from: Shark808 on 02:17:44 PM / 13-Dec-11
Tedious?  This coming from a person who uses the word twice in a sentence?  I laughed repeatedly...


curious in your supension setup? i want to be low too! could u post another pic of the car?


welded diff or lsd solves that problem, or go faster


Quote from: ClutchKick86
curious in your supension setup? i want to be low too! could u post another pic of the car?
i have the megan coilovers with the s13 front conversion and they can go pretty low the only downfall is the negative camber in the rear oh and my sig picture is before the coilovers btw

Quote from: deadpirate
welded diff or lsd solves that problem, or go faster
yeah i was going slow because i figured i would scrape something before a got stuck but nope it lifted my wheel up instead i thought my tranny popped out of gear at first lol but i just got extra open diff internal so that means i can weld the one in the car with out worrying  


I had the same issue lots of times, once REALLY bad. I was teetering (spelling?) on 2 wheels going up an incline which wasnt even that steep, at an angle. Front tire caught the front fender. Rear right wheel off the ground and front left wheel off the ground. If an lsd was installed, we wouldn't have this issue. Well we would, but we could rip out easier!


that would have been awesome if the car tilted back and trapped your hand, could have been such a cooler story  

i c u breakin' your neck     ;P


Quote from: Osad
I had the same issue lots of times, once REALLY bad. I was teetering (spelling?) on 2 wheels going up an incline which wasnt even that steep, at an angle. Front tire caught the front fender. Rear right wheel off the ground and front left wheel off the ground. If an lsd was installed, we wouldn't have this issue. Well we would, but we could rip out easier!
yeah scariest thing that has happened to me was because of construction the lanes were uneven and the lane i had to get into was a quick prob 5in slant up and as i got over my frame caught and whipped my car a good 10degrese sideways at 30 mph but my front tires caught just in time for me to correct it or else i would have mowed over a bob's barricade lol i also got stuck once on luck break on a little decline and my front tires were in the air my buddy had to some pull me with his truck lol damn florida construction not caring for lowered cars


yeah I took my S12 in some quad trail to reach a very cool landscape to grab a few pictures for the calendar.

it took me about 30mins and got stuck at least 15times just like it did to you.

I learned the lesson thought and rallyed the car for the way back lol.
But yeah LSD is the way to get rid of this stupid wheel lift issue!

see my build thread!


youre not low till you get stuck in a pothole
or hi centered on a speedbump lol

ps is your tire fucking moving

Quote from: David B
wow. im horny. i dont know why. but i just figured id let you guys know. i really wanna bite someones bean. i mean. chomp on some ass
Quote from: Arro on 12:26:40 AM / 10-Nov-10
hahah Alex just pwned C-S12, w3rd.


Quote from: EternalSwap
youre not low till you get stuck in a pothole
or hi centered on a speedbump lol

ps is your tire fucking moving
lol no its not moving just shitty phone picture