The Green Machine - Rxg Silvia

Started by Candellan, 12:19:06 AM / 22-Mar-10

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Earlier this year I bought Matty Casle's Silvia RXG (aka the Green Machine) & turned it into a dedicated time attack car at Lakeside Raceway (Brisbane, Australia). This car was in last year's calendar

Here's a few pics of it on Sunday:

More track & build photos here -

Stats on (when it's back in operation)
Gazelle MotorSport
RPJS12 Gazelle - "Big Block" CA20DET
S12 RXG Silvia - "Green Machine" SR20DET


Damn the girl in the white dress is hella cute. Haha


Lol you would only be lookin at the girl....Car hot bro how'd you do in the event?