84 MKI DD/Rally Theme

Started by backwoodsbuilder, 06:43:13 PM / 26-Nov-10

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Thought id do a build for my beater/dd as my good dd is the 88MKII. I got this for $250  its rusty but trusty even tho a ca lol,anyways i all ways see these lowered and ect but im using this as a winter car/dd/beater

current state its in is in garage getting quick rust repair  lol rivits,tin,silicone its not ment to look pretty but ment for being used im putting new cap,rotor,plugs,thermostat,oil change. looking for an agessive set of snow/mud tires,gauges,maybe a cb,fire extinguisher,fender flares,exhust.

Things to do: repair rust/tune up/tires/suspension/skid plates/small push bar-fog light holder/strut brace bars and maybe a 4pt cage  behind seats idk yet tho

Wheel gap can be compared to a vagina. The more fingers you can stick in the worse off you are


I would love to see a rally version! Keep us posted!
-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance


Sounds like a fun build. Like Arro said, keep us updated.

"[Today at 11:14:45 PM] SchizophrenicMC: YES THIS IS 4x4 IT CAN GO EVERYWHERE
[Today at 11:14:48 PM] SchizophrenicMC: Bitch no it can't
[Today at 11:15:38 PM] SchizophrenicMC: IT'S A ROAD-STAY-ON-ER"


These cars obviously look competitive in the dirt, but not many ppl venture there.  Want to see more.  Good luck!
'84 SRA VG Notch

Quote from: sam31183 on 07:14:51 PM / 11-Feb-11
yah, camber city called, they want you to run for mayor.
Quote from: jphillips on 04:13:34 PM / 30-Mar-11
Canyon Roads...you go. Faster. And faster. And faster. And then youÃÆ'Ã,¯Ã‚Ã,¿Ã‚Ã,½re simply existing above an asphalt adventure.


cool man... i'd loves to see it with some huge fogs.

Quote from: Deezus on 11:08:22 AM / 13-Oct-10
My car is a $1500 '85 nissan. Not a 2mil BMW race car. Im goin lower.


Huge fogs, huge flares, huge all terrains, do it!
1987 Nissan 200sx SE ("The Squirrely Drifter") - Totaled and Gone forever
1987 Nissan 200sx SE ("The Weebly Wobbler") - Impounded and Gone forever
2007 Kia Spectra - Fantastic Daily Driver - Custom CAI, NGK wires/plugs.
2002 Hyundai Accent - Totaled and Gone Forever.

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Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance.

Quote from: Jay on 10:01:05 PM / 14-Nov-11
And, I'm going to say this publicly. Maxpow knows how to keep me at bay, while still laughing with him. Take lessons y'all


lose the isuzu wheels though lol and do mudflaps!!!

Quote from: Deezus on 11:08:22 AM / 13-Oct-10
My car is a $1500 '85 nissan. Not a 2mil BMW race car. Im goin lower.


Quote from: Maxpow on 03:14:59 PM / 27-Nov-10
Huge fogs, huge flares, huge all terrains, do it!

thats the plan soon as i put it on the road and fix some rust lol ill keep updated

Wheel gap can be compared to a vagina. The more fingers you can stick in the worse off you are


Well sold my sled last night  4 $300 so waitin till thu or fri to go to dmv to put on road  :) they better not give me a hard time tho i got a registration/bill of sale and insurance card, maybe i get luck and get the 1 nicer lady then maybe a little flirting  ;) ill get it, then  i have to bleed brakes,hook up rear wiring,slap rear bumper back on ,exhust mod, and  out the other 4 spark plugs in holy f@#$ were they tight pb blasted them so waiting and thought my new cap/rotor off my 88 would work...wrong! rotor to big so 2-3 days waiting for that at the parts store to ship in,got to do an oil change to then  hopefully drive it around 1s place headed to junk yard to look for some big o flares :)

Wheel gap can be compared to a vagina. The more fingers you can stick in the worse off you are


Those clears on that white rally car is f**king hot! i still want some
I keep my car cleaner then my room
Quote from: VG30DETT on 02:39:59 PM / 01-Oct-12
Fuck you then, I'll take my movies, box of chocolates, bottle of wine and chloroform somewhere else.
Quote from: StephenG on 08:06:21 PM / 28-Nov-12
Adding an SSD to that is kinda like strapping a 3 inch stainless HKS exhaust on a geo metro.


Well update  my plans for the ml1 hatch rally theme is done  :\  stuff  with fam came up we been strugeling for 5 yrs now and cant do it any longer where planing on moving out of ny state  hats the idea so far seeing its the highst place and that so limited on what we can take vehicle wise so selling my 70 olds my 80 pinto,and possable my mk1 hatch if not im stripping it  of what i can. im deff bringing my mkII tho.

any know places good for living  needs to be in decent weather w/woods and that also decent costly living idk where to start looking

Wheel gap can be compared to a vagina. The more fingers you can stick in the worse off you are

Justin Banner

It's not horrible here in SoVa (Southern Virginia), weather can be a bit humid in the summer time and we still have some decent woodland areas south of Richmond. Where I live, I have VIR 114 miles south east of me, Virginia Motorsports Park in my back yard (basically, it's a drag strip, ATV and MX park), Driftwater is not far, Summit Point is about 3 hours or so away, and Charlotte is about 5 hours away.

I'm also tackling the Rally Racer look, but mine will have a bit of a Rat theme mixed in to my MK. II hatch.


yea is a step 4 fam to get outta here i was thinking virginia/north or south carolina or pennsylvania we dont know yet and yea mine prob would of ended up with big ol rivited on patches to cover rot/rust holes and shit  and  JY special flares lol

Wheel gap can be compared to a vagina. The more fingers you can stick in the worse off you are


Just thought id let Arro or who ever know you can deleat this build no longer going lol.Thanks

Wheel gap can be compared to a vagina. The more fingers you can stick in the worse off you are