acadianasportscars +1

Started by Prolowtone, 09:31:24 PM / 01-Mar-11

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Feedback for: acadianasportscars
My position in the transaction: Buyer
Feedback Rating: +1
Paid with: Paypal
Comments: Bought a 14point7 SLC Pure Plus wideband controller (Comes with sensor). Awesome price! Super Awesome actually, better price then most sites that ship inside of the US and im on the other side of the border! Would do business with him again with him in the future
I keep my car cleaner then my room
Quote from: VG30DETT on 02:39:59 PM / 01-Oct-12
Fuck you then, I'll take my movies, box of chocolates, bottle of wine and chloroform somewhere else.
Quote from: StephenG on 08:06:21 PM / 28-Nov-12
Adding an SSD to that is kinda like strapping a 3 inch stainless HKS exhaust on a geo metro.