SE RezErection!!!

Started by DirtyGaze, 12:58:23 AM / 08-Jun-11

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This is my build thread where I will be messing around and causing terror while trying to fix an 87 S12 SE.  I don't technically have the car (yet) but there has still been some work done to it.

My order from

MMR steering rack bushing (passenger side)

MMR Diff Mount

Over at Gustards taking out subframe aluminum bushing (thanks again man!)

Painted subframe and all perdy

Entire rear end test fitting

had to grind down the sway bar bushings a little to get them to fit.  Fit like a glove now.

Prothane endlinks

MMR Subframe bushings pressed in

That's pretty much all Ive done so far.  I have some parts lying around waiting to be played with.

Uncracked dash (MMM!!!)

Full SE Lip kit courtesy of Maxpow!!  (this man really can get you anything, hit him up)

some tail lights and FENDER FLARES!!!

Wolf Dilworth

When did you get your MMR stuff.  Did he finally get his shit back in one sack?  A couple of years ago, Mr. MMR was on the forum's shit list for not supplying goods for several folks.

I was lucky, I bought my stuff (sub-frame bushings, Diff mount, swing-arm pivots, LCA pivots) all in one lump from him. The rest was Z stuff from Energy Suspension and the TC Rod kit from EE. 

I installed the sub-frame bushings with the thinner flange "up" to help reduce the camber issue, and recommend the same for you, I can't tell from the fuzzy images.  BTW those OE sleeves are steel and that is why they are such a bear to remove.

Looking good, keep the images flyin.


I'm curious about that as well, since about a week ago, I ordered the steering rack bushing... and then decided to search the site for reviews... so I'm hoping!

Good luck with your build!  Looks like you have a solid start already!

BoostedVG (in regards to people hating on the VG) - Me thinks they were not the mechanic they thought and blamed it all on the engine.

Colonol Gustard - youre one of the few people that represent the s12 chassis like a boss!


try to install the diff bushing upside down (hole down) so it forces the diff closer to the chassis. camber/toe correction. not a lot but every little bit helps.

someone should let MMR know that the hole should be in the middle :/
or if putting it upside down works then shit we can just do that

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


Wolf, I ordered my stuff about a month and a half ago and it got here like 3 weeks ago.  It took longer than expected to get and they have ZERO customer service...but I still got their product and from the looks of it, its great.  Also, I made very sure the thinner part is up top.  Ill get better pics when I fix my D80 (I got pics and a funny story of how I broke it later)

Quote from: IggyEGuana on 03:42:22 AM / 08-Jun-11
try to install the diff bushing upside down (hole down) so it forces the diff closer to the chassis. camber/toe correction. not a lot but every little bit helps.

For sure, Ill give that a shot once I get up under there.


I have the MMR subframe bushings on my car as well, I got mine five years ago.  (Wow how time flies!)  They did help with rear camber, effectively keeping it the same when I installed the Canuck springs.

Post Merge: 12:45:20 PM / 08-Jun-11

1988 200SX SE V6
2015 Jeep Renegade 1.4T

Wolf Dilworth

^^ yeah I ordered mine back in early '08 and I was very pleased with the turn around as well as the quality of the parts.  Pretty basic stuff since all of it can be done a small manual lathe.

I mounted the diff mount, hole down, for sure.  I am happy with the camber, it is right at 2.0 neg. just on the edge of tire wear issues.  The whole set-up works fine with my Canuck springs.


I need a diff mount, I have everything else. I feel like he's gonna rape me if I just order one thing.
1987 Nissan 200sx SE ("The Squirrely Drifter") - Totaled and Gone forever
1987 Nissan 200sx SE ("The Weebly Wobbler") - Impounded and Gone forever
2007 Kia Spectra - Fantastic Daily Driver - Custom CAI, NGK wires/plugs.
2002 Hyundai Accent - Totaled and Gone Forever.

SEND ME A PM;sa=send;u=2092 /EMAIL

Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance.

Quote from: Jay on 10:01:05 PM / 14-Nov-11
And, I'm going to say this publicly. Maxpow knows how to keep me at bay, while still laughing with him. Take lessons y'all


Me too. He quoted hella cheap for shipping but I'm kinda weary.....

Wolf Dilworth

Why would he rape you for one part?  Does he not list the prices still?  I do not remember what I paid for mine, but it was cheap.  Does MMR have a website running?


Quote from: Wolf Dilworth on 09:41:14 PM / 13-Jun-11
Does MMR have a website running?

Update - tried to get the car yesterday but somewhat failed...miserably.  All was not wasted though, I got more parts, borrowed my girls camera (better pics coming tonight) and ordered up some fun stuff.  EVERYONE SAY A PRAYER!!  Should have car successfully installed in my garage Wednesday.

Should also have pics and hilarious story of how I broke a 2k dollar camera I was using for this build thread  :yay!:

Post Merge: 08:39:15 PM / 14-Jun-11

Alright, this is how she sits currently.  BTW, yes Im to lazy to move any of this stuff yet to get better pics.

Doesnt get me all tingly inside yet, but shes straight, clean, super well maintained, and rust free.

  Looks like hell with 2 donuts on in the back though, lol. Its cool though, wont stay like that for long cuz these babies are going on IMMEDIATELY!

Failed trip, but I did get to bring back some goodies.
All the Interior that I plan on putting back in after some TLC.

SE Calipers

Already welded R200 Longnose

And some better res photos of things youve already seen!



not for sale

These arent mine, but they sure look good in my garage!

and new tools I bought on sale Fathers Day Weekend


Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.

Wolf Dilworth


So about a month ago after just picking up almost the entire rear end of an S12 I decided to get to work on the bushing install.  Nothing to it, right?  Well my mother is a amatuer photographer for the Wild Animal park in San Diego CA and she uses a D80 camera with some rediculous lens that cost more then my life.  Mothers Day I went to the Wild Animal park with her, and she taught me how to use the camera properly and my how to shoot (got some amazing photos, I might post later).   She allowed me to use the camera for my car build, and I couldnt be happier.  While burning out the subframe bushings, I got these shots.

I really like this one

So everything was going smoothly at first.  At the time, we couldnt find the smaller lens, so I was like 10 feet away when I took those pics because I couldnt zoom out anymore,  lol.  Just for added info, I was pretty baked and was a warm night. 

As I was sitting next to the fire making sure the cardboard didnt catch fire, I heard a loud buzzing..looked down, and saw this bug fly THROUGH the fire.

Now, I dont know what the F*CK THAT is, but when I first saw it, it looked me dead in the eye with his eyebrows still burning from flying through the fire.  I took a few steps back, took a shot or 2, looked through the lens, and noticed he wasnt in my photo (like looking through a rifle scope for comparision...very hard to find your shot if you dont know exactly where to look)  I felt something hit my chest...I look down, see this half burnt bug of satan spawn looking me dead in the eye, and by reaction, flung a 2k dollar camera towards it to get it off me...and this is why the photos in my thread suck.

Kids, dont do drugs

Post Merge: 10:37:18 AM / 16-Jun-11

Did a little bit of work on the car last night.  Cleaned up E-brake cables and burned out diff bushing.
Dirty Cables



Diff Bushing

Iggy, you said install hole down to bring diff closer to the when I install, install like this?

Also, does anyone know which length of sway bar Endlinks goes on the back?  I currently have the smaller endlinks on now, and the sway bar looks pretty close to the control arms. 

The stock ones seem to be inbetween as far as length..some help here is very appreciated.

So thats it for now.  I have some things planned for the next few days but Im taking it a little lazy and slow til I actually have the car.  Check back soon for updates.


So this weekend I picked up a few tools on craigslist for pretty cheap.  Got 2 dremels + shit ton of attachments + drill for 70 bucks.

Ive been told before that to fix a jacked up lip, just set it out in the sun on a hot day.  It didnt get as hot as i thought it would, but it was a warm day, lol.


Got started with my interior plans today.  Cleaned up all the peices I have so far, washed them, sanded them, and masked them for painting.

Painting will come later on tonight..hopefully..

Colonel Gustard

mods please delete this thread, i scrapped the car i was going to sell to him........ just kidding lol. getting this SE up to his place tomorrow, then the real fun begins
"Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance."

Quote from: SlickS12 on 09:47:21 AM / 08-Mar-11
what the hell is camber?

Quote from: Prolowtone on 11:26:43 PM / 27-Oct-11
I thought about my s12 and the parts i want to put in her :P

Quote from: SchizophrenicMC on 03:11:12 PM / 02-Dec-11
Obviously, you have yet to meet Colonel Gustard.
Quote from: Ghetto Jack on 03:15:17 PM / 02-Dec-11
I saw some of his posts, he seems like more fun than a barrel of hookers.


Just finished what Im doing for the day.  This is the rest of the progress.


Got some small things done yesterday, but not a whole lot.  Still dont have the car so the going is kinda slow.
Got the diff bushing out with a dremel, hammer, and screwdriver (fuck bushings)

Then cleaned it, sanded it, and painted.

Painted the rest of the dash

BTW - sanding the interior..bad idea.  Wont matter for what I plan on doing, but if anyone else wants to paint interior, dont sand, just use this.

So thats all for now, hopefully Ill have my car surgically installed in my garage soon and the real fun can begin.


use the long endlinks

yes with the hole downward

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


1987 Nissan 200sx SE ("The Squirrely Drifter") - Totaled and Gone forever
1987 Nissan 200sx SE ("The Weebly Wobbler") - Impounded and Gone forever
2007 Kia Spectra - Fantastic Daily Driver - Custom CAI, NGK wires/plugs.
2002 Hyundai Accent - Totaled and Gone Forever.

SEND ME A PM;sa=send;u=2092 /EMAIL

Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance.

Quote from: Jay on 10:01:05 PM / 14-Nov-11
And, I'm going to say this publicly. Maxpow knows how to keep me at bay, while still laughing with him. Take lessons y'all