SE RezErection!!!

Started by DirtyGaze, 12:58:23 AM / 08-Jun-11

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Quote from: IggyEGuana on 06:24:55 PM / 20-Jun-11
use the long endlinks

yes with the hole downward

Awesome, thanks Iggy.  Maxpow and I got the diff bushing in last night...pretty shammered, lol.  Hopefully the car will be here tonight and Ill have more pics.


Quote from: DirtyGaze on 01:36:55 PM / 21-Jun-11
Awesome, thanks Iggy.  Maxpow and I got the diff bushing in last night...pretty shammered, lol.  Hopefully the car will be here tonight and Ill have more pics.

come over
1987 Nissan 200sx SE ("The Squirrely Drifter") - Totaled and Gone forever
1987 Nissan 200sx SE ("The Weebly Wobbler") - Impounded and Gone forever
2007 Kia Spectra - Fantastic Daily Driver - Custom CAI, NGK wires/plugs.
2002 Hyundai Accent - Totaled and Gone Forever.

SEND ME A PM;sa=send;u=2092 /EMAIL

Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance.

Quote from: Jay on 10:01:05 PM / 14-Nov-11
And, I'm going to say this publicly. Maxpow knows how to keep me at bay, while still laughing with him. Take lessons y'all

Colonel Gustard

^you better go over to his house, dropping the car off today
"Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance."

Quote from: SlickS12 on 09:47:21 AM / 08-Mar-11
what the hell is camber?

Quote from: Prolowtone on 11:26:43 PM / 27-Oct-11
I thought about my s12 and the parts i want to put in her :P

Quote from: SchizophrenicMC on 03:11:12 PM / 02-Dec-11
Obviously, you have yet to meet Colonel Gustard.
Quote from: Ghetto Jack on 03:15:17 PM / 02-Dec-11
I saw some of his posts, he seems like more fun than a barrel of hookers.


Ill be home like 530 meet at my pad!

Colonel Gustard

cant wait! so i can see the infamous driveway of no return
"Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance."

Quote from: SlickS12 on 09:47:21 AM / 08-Mar-11
what the hell is camber?

Quote from: Prolowtone on 11:26:43 PM / 27-Oct-11
I thought about my s12 and the parts i want to put in her :P

Quote from: SchizophrenicMC on 03:11:12 PM / 02-Dec-11
Obviously, you have yet to meet Colonel Gustard.
Quote from: Ghetto Jack on 03:15:17 PM / 02-Dec-11
I saw some of his posts, he seems like more fun than a barrel of hookers.


did u get the bushing in and the diff installed? curious to know if it'll work. i've messed with it and the diff onlt goes up to far before the subframe starts to bind

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.

Colonel Gustard

DirtyGaze should have an update on this tonight if hes not lazy
"Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance."

Quote from: SlickS12 on 09:47:21 AM / 08-Mar-11
what the hell is camber?

Quote from: Prolowtone on 11:26:43 PM / 27-Oct-11
I thought about my s12 and the parts i want to put in her :P

Quote from: SchizophrenicMC on 03:11:12 PM / 02-Dec-11
Obviously, you have yet to meet Colonel Gustard.
Quote from: Ghetto Jack on 03:15:17 PM / 02-Dec-11
I saw some of his posts, he seems like more fun than a barrel of hookers.


Yea theres a big update comin.  I almost lost my job an hour before the car got delivered so all motivation went out the window, lol.  Maxpow and I got the diff bushing into the bracket Tuesday night and Ill get pics of that later, but as far as if itll install, I havent tried yet.  I want to get that subframe in soon, but I dont have 2 jacks yet...very soon.

Motivation is slowly coming back, I should be out there workin on her later today.

Colonel Gustard

you lazy ass, should have asked for jacks, i got 2 of them im not using
"Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance."

Quote from: SlickS12 on 09:47:21 AM / 08-Mar-11
what the hell is camber?

Quote from: Prolowtone on 11:26:43 PM / 27-Oct-11
I thought about my s12 and the parts i want to put in her :P

Quote from: SchizophrenicMC on 03:11:12 PM / 02-Dec-11
Obviously, you have yet to meet Colonel Gustard.
Quote from: Ghetto Jack on 03:15:17 PM / 02-Dec-11
I saw some of his posts, he seems like more fun than a barrel of hookers.


So its true, the car has successfully made it to my house and work has begun.  Mostly been cleaning today.  The inside had so much just...random stuff, lol.  I also found a good use for this odd pulley system thats been installed in our garage since before we moved in.  Anyway, enough with the talking, heres some pics of the progress
Diff bushing installed

Maxpow and I decided to use our brains after 20 minutes of trying to hammer this stupid thing in.  Vice = win.

Awesome pulley system holds my hatch open.

Installed longer swaybar endlinks on rear swaybar

Crap in the car

Cleaning up

All the speaker / whatev brackets in the hatch.

Enjoying the open space in the car before I took the rear seats out.


My sexy engine bay

Took out rear wiper.

Then vacuumed and cleaned everything up pretty nice

And thats how she sits till tomorrow night where I may or may not get more done..stay tuned


I keep my car cleaner then my room
Quote from: VG30DETT on 02:39:59 PM / 01-Oct-12
Fuck you then, I'll take my movies, box of chocolates, bottle of wine and chloroform somewhere else.
Quote from: StephenG on 08:06:21 PM / 28-Nov-12
Adding an SSD to that is kinda like strapping a 3 inch stainless HKS exhaust on a geo metro.

Colonel Gustard

hey you stole my brown shirt! lol, Andrew has the fuel pump for it somewhere too haha.
"Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance."

Quote from: SlickS12 on 09:47:21 AM / 08-Mar-11
what the hell is camber?

Quote from: Prolowtone on 11:26:43 PM / 27-Oct-11
I thought about my s12 and the parts i want to put in her :P

Quote from: SchizophrenicMC on 03:11:12 PM / 02-Dec-11
Obviously, you have yet to meet Colonel Gustard.
Quote from: Ghetto Jack on 03:15:17 PM / 02-Dec-11
I saw some of his posts, he seems like more fun than a barrel of hookers.


Quote from: Prolowtone on 01:56:49 AM / 24-Jun-11
Looking good!


Quote from: Colonel Gustard on 12:50:16 PM / 24-Jun-11
hey you stole my brown shirt! lol, Andrew has the fuel pump for it somewhere too haha.

Awesome, Ill hit him up about it.  And that brown thing was a shirt??  Dude, it was so gross and faded that it was fading to does that even work?

Colonel Gustard

yeah dude i picked the shirt out of my closest so the cylinder walls wouldnt get rusted up lol. and god damn you look ubly foo
"Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance."

Quote from: SlickS12 on 09:47:21 AM / 08-Mar-11
what the hell is camber?

Quote from: Prolowtone on 11:26:43 PM / 27-Oct-11
I thought about my s12 and the parts i want to put in her :P

Quote from: SchizophrenicMC on 03:11:12 PM / 02-Dec-11
Obviously, you have yet to meet Colonel Gustard.
Quote from: Ghetto Jack on 03:15:17 PM / 02-Dec-11
I saw some of his posts, he seems like more fun than a barrel of hookers.


So Ive run into a bit of a problem right now.  Last night I tried to install my diff bracket w/ the MMR Bushing in it, but the bushing itself is a good 1/4 in. thicker than the frame will accept.  I was really hoping it would be bolt on and no adjustment needed but who am I kiddin, lol.  Ill get pics tonight

Also, does anyone know how to get rid of this cracking rubber stuff along the door without taking the whole thing apart? 


Super clean fender

Pretty decent drivers seat

Clean door panels

Clean Center Garnish

Various bits of black interior

Sexy Wing

Wolf Dilworth

Quote from: DirtyGaze on 11:15:04 AM / 28-Jun-11
Also, does anyone know how to get rid of this cracking rubber stuff along the door without taking the whole thing apart? 
Use a very sharp utility knife to score along the underside and break it free.  Tedious work at best.  A little steal wool along with water and elbow grease will shine up the bare metal bits.  Do yourself a favor and mask off the paint before the steal wool trick.


Quote from: Wolf Dilworth on 02:05:50 PM / 28-Jun-11
Use a very sharp utility knife to score along the underside and break it free.  Tedious work at best.  A little steal wool along with water and elbow grease will shine up the bare metal bits.  Do yourself a favor and mask off the paint before the steal wool trick.

For sure!  Ill give all that a go later on.  Last night I got quite a bit done.  Finished removing interior, removed the rest of everything in the back, played with a dremel, dropped the old subframe, and almost installed the new one.
Put new wheels on the front

Finished removing everything from the back of the car

Then I test fit everything I do have for the rear end so far

Then I promptly took it all back off again

Removing interior

This is something I had fun playin with last night.  The b and c pillar plastic interior peices I plan on keeping and reusing, but I didnt like the back end of them.

As you can see, the back end looks a little weird without bein cut.

So I dremeled them :)

Ill probably be keeping and reusing these little pockets.  I like em.

Removing carpet

Carpet out

Then I test fit my new front seat.  Nice fit

I screwed up though and have been sitting on the chair while its been in my garage...its fine, Ill just need to bend back the tabs today or tomorrow.

Out with the old!

In with the new!

Alright, so Maxpow (Andrew) came over last night to help with the Subframe install.  Now, neither of us have had previous MMR bushing install experience, and w/ the diff bushing being super wide, I was hoping we wouldnt run into any problems.  Well, after some amazing thinking, I found out how it was MMR wanted their subframe bushings installed on the car and I gotta admit, their idea is brilliant to say the least.

Now, first thing you need to know, is when you drop the subframe, get this little plate off the bolts hanging under the car.  Reason being is the MMR bushings are totally flat at the top and so is the bottom of the car.  You dont need a metal plate with a little bit of rubber in 

When installing the subframe, normally you install this little plate under the subframe like this.

Notice that little nub of metal?  Whats the point of a solid mount if that nub is going to be my weak point in the suspension.  So we flipped the plate over to see how it would look.

Problem that I have now though is the stock bolts arent long enough to connect to the chassis still.

So tonight Ill be going and getting longer bolts and hopefully installing the plate like this tonight.

(the subframe isnt all the way in yet, thats why theres that big gap)
Now, for those of you wondering "Yes, thats all great, but now you have a big gap between the chassis and the middle of this plate..thats no good, what do you plan on doing about that?"
Maxpow thought of something brilliant.
The subframe that we pulled came off his old car and still has the sway bar endlinks.  Well, turns out the endlinks fit perfectly over the bolt, and between that gap.  FUCK YEA!

Almost there.

So this is how she still sits.


dont flip the plate. just remove that "nub". the bolts holding the plate will never stay tight if you have it flipped. and the endlink bushing will do nothing

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


Aww really?  It looks like it was meant to be..seriously, lol
I thought with 2 sway bar bushings inbetween the bolt, it would allow you to torque the bolts since your no longer bolting metal to metal.  The sway bar bushings give it a huge amount of resistance allowing you to torque the shit out of the bolts.  Granted I need longer bolts, but you still dont think this would work?


ya just drill out the spotwelds that hold that nub to the plate

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.