earthhh quaakkeee

Started by David B, 04:14:05 AM / 26-Aug-11

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David B

anyone on the east coast feel this earlier this week?

i was on the way to work and didnt even notice (going 55 mph at the time).. though all the phones were down on the way and i couldnt figure out wtf why.. some aftershocks apparantly have happend but i didnt feel anything..
IDK im about 30-45 min from dc and 45 min from the plant in stafford that apparantly was freaking out.

everyone over reacted but was probally a nice experience.. earthquakes never happen here. 5.9 is pretty rad. and tons of people dont have quake insurance with fucked up houses in some areas

Post Merge: 04:17:49 AM / 26-Aug-11

Post Merge: 04:22:22 AM / 26-Aug-11

oh and a hurricane on caturday. this seems like a interesting week

caged ca20e/ka24e/sr20det/ka24de/1jzgte SRA hatch. super sick

Quote from: Arro
Goddamn David you seriously are hard core man.
Quote from: tjs91tsi
Ohh, and unless you havn't figured it out yet, Stop driving with coolant leaks and Stop dropping nails in your fucking trannys!!!


Nope. Though i'm not located on the East... Im in Colorado. Little south of Colorado Springs. Seems we had a earthquake here as well as the time you guys had yours on the east coast.


I was at work, which is pretty close to the epicenter.  Everyone started freaking and the whole building started to vibrate.  Huge racks full of pcs, printer, and other huge crap were swaying like an ocean and there's a huge light fixture 20 feet above my desk. Haha.  I haven't felt any of the aftershocks though because they've mostly been at night and I sleep like a hibernating bear.


I felt it, I was afraid all the five gallon buckets of paint stacked four high were going to fall over @.@

felt an aftershock a couple nights ago at like 3am...

kinda stoke for this 'cane
Colin L. - First recorded case of a running, drivable VG33ER swapped S12
In Print, 2/6/2011 - Nico Club
-'87 SE-V6, VG33ER Swapped
-Daily Driven S14K
-Graduate college at some point

What I lack in decorum, I make up for in absence of tact.
Quote from: sam31183 on 01:07:07 PM / 01-Sep-11
i has sweet coilovers and hoshinos, also my hood isnt pregnant with a supercharger baby.


Quote from: VG33ERGazelle? on 04:50:38 PM / 26-Aug-11
I felt it, I was afraid all the five gallon buckets of pain stacked four high were going to fall over

I have been known to keep a can or two of whoop-ass on hand, but never cans of pain.
Quote from: VG33ERGazelle? on 04:50:38 PM / 26-Aug-11
I was afraid all the five gallon buckets of pain stacked four high were going to fall over


Quote from: iceageg on 05:28:23 PM / 26-Aug-11
I have been known to keep a can or two of whoop-ass on hand, but never cans of pain.

I do it up big, Terminator style.
Colin L. - First recorded case of a running, drivable VG33ER swapped S12
In Print, 2/6/2011 - Nico Club
-'87 SE-V6, VG33ER Swapped
-Daily Driven S14K
-Graduate college at some point

What I lack in decorum, I make up for in absence of tact.
Quote from: sam31183 on 01:07:07 PM / 01-Sep-11
i has sweet coilovers and hoshinos, also my hood isnt pregnant with a supercharger baby.

David B

hurricane sucked. it was nothing

caged ca20e/ka24e/sr20det/ka24de/1jzgte SRA hatch. super sick

Quote from: Arro
Goddamn David you seriously are hard core man.
Quote from: tjs91tsi
Ohh, and unless you havn't figured it out yet, Stop driving with coolant leaks and Stop dropping nails in your fucking trannys!!!


I felt it and im in central PA

I was sleeping cause i work nights, it was around like... 2pm i think. My bed was shaking and i thought i was crazy until i saw my lamp moving... by the time i got up it stopped.

I was 100% convinced my fucking house was haunted. Earthquake was the last thing that came to mind and i wouldnt have even thought of it if it werent for my girlfriend texting me saying she felt an earthquake lol

Quote from: hotdoghogie on 03:30:07 PM / 15-Oct-10
Deez why the flip are you so smart sometimes.

Quote from: Arro on 03:02:02 PM / 25-Jul-11

Quote from: Athens on 11:48:05 AM / 28-Jul-11
Deezus is always in maximum trollverdrive mode.