How To: IRS Parking Brake Fix

Started by seishuku, 11:23:45 PM / 10-Sep-11

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IRS parking brake got ya down?
Bought new cables and it still doesn't work?

I may have a fix for ya! :D

Start off taking off the caliper (just the caliper, no need to remove the torque member):

Then the hard part, you need to hold the caliper, the parking control arm, and get enough torque on the retaining nut to get it off.
An overnight soak with penetrating oil will help, so will a little heat from some MAPP gas. I would recommend an impact driver, since that can apply torque with out really tweaking the arm and crack the nut loose.
The arm it self probably won't come off the cam shaft with out a fight, if it doesn't come off right away, put the retaining nut back on a few threads and use a hammer to gently tap it off.

Now, CAREFULLY remove the dust boot/"seal", I used a small precision flat head screwdriver, but get creative... Just don't damage it.

Here's where the problem is, the "seal" doesn't do a good job at keeping moisture and water in general out, so it rusts up and things start to stick or freeze up completely.
Mine wasn't too bad, so just a quick hit with penetrating oil loosened it up enough, but if that doesn't do the trick, let it soak overnight and make sure the oil pools in the bore.

After you get it loosened up where it can rotate freely (use a 12mm wrench on the shaft's flats to turn it), clean everything up with some brake clean and spray a little more oil in there.

Then, to keep things working (hopefully for awhile), pack it with a good quality grease, water proof grease (marine) would be best, but I don't have any.

Then carefully reinsert the dust boot, it won't be easy, just be careful.

Put everything back together, back on the car, bleed it out!

Then enjoy a working parking brake!
Matt W.
Daily: 2015 Ecoboost Mustang
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Quote from: BoostedVG on 12:18:23 PM / 18-Jun-11
imagine a ka and a vg as women. I prefer the one that had less hands on it. The ka is a loose prostitute that every one and their brother knows lol.
Quote from: Kustamogen on 01:02:18 AM / 22-Aug-11
if my dicks not hard by the end of a wasnt fast enough!!!!!
Quote from: Colonel Gustard on 10:12:38 PM / 20-Sep-11
i heard if you put sand in your gas tank the ultra fine particles clean out your fuel injectors

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[13:35] drummingpariah: it always wins


Saving the world one shitty parking brake at a time. Great writeup.


1986 SE Notch Swap in progress. Build Thread:


Another example of why this forum is PRICELESS! You won't find this in any Chiltons, or anywhere else I'll bet.
Thank you!


Great write up. :) same problem, but after like 6 hours of messing with the e-brake crap. im too lazy to take all off again and re-do, until i get a caliper repair kit or new calipers.


Can I do this with caliper on without flushing the caliper? Thanks


Yes you can if you don't unhook the brake line. Be careful not to rotate the cam as it has a metal rod in a groove inside the caliper. These dust boots are available in the caliper rebuild kits. I found it easier to remove the retaining nut before removing the caliper from the car.



Well, nearly 2 years later of a working parking brake, something had gone wrong with my driver's side. Lasted a little longer than I was expecting, but now I gotta tear into it again.

At least it didn't fail because it seized up like last time. :lol:
Matt W.
Daily: 2015 Ecoboost Mustang
Previous Daily: 2011 Camaro V6 (tree fell on it)
Previous previous: 2013 VW Jetta TDI super polluter (got bought back)