SWIM's s12 hatch.

Started by SomeoneWhoIsntMe, 06:04:22 PM / 30-Mar-11

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Quote from: hotdoghogie on 03:30:07 PM / 15-Oct-10
Deez why the flip are you so smart sometimes.

Quote from: Arro on 03:02:02 PM / 25-Jul-11

Quote from: Athens on 11:48:05 AM / 28-Jul-11
Deezus is always in maximum trollverdrive mode.

David B

nice. i like that vmount

caged ca20e/ka24e/sr20det/ka24de/1jzgte SRA hatch. super sick

Quote from: Arro
Goddamn David you seriously are hard core man.
Quote from: tjs91tsi
Ohh, and unless you havn't figured it out yet, Stop driving with coolant leaks and Stop dropping nails in your fucking trannys!!!


gloss grape x fluorescent green drift spares... I have 6 more

now all I need is 5 LUG REAR SHIT

someone hook it up


just take the rear arms off a turbo z31 boom 5 lug swap!


Quote from: vegasS12 on 06:26:50 PM / 02-Sep-11
just take the rear arms off a turbo z31 boom 5 lug swap!
If I had a turbo z31 to take the rear arms off of, I wouldn't be fucking around with an s12.

That said, I had a kid near me grip some from a junkyard, now I feel he's trying to gouge me.


He has the Axle Flange, Control Arm, and Axle Shaft all assembled with all the misc parts and shit from a Kouki Z31 with the vented rear calipers. If I drop loot on 5-lug shit for the rear, I want vented calipers. He claims the "turbo axle stubs" are worth a fuckton of money to z31 kids because they hold more power.

1) what the fuck is he talking about
2) is this part actually worth loot
3) can I do the 5-lug swap without this part and still run the vented calipers control arms etc?
4) is this junkyard 80's nissan garbage worth $300

or, so I can figure it myself and deal with the kid on my own,

what is the bare minimum of parts I need to do the 5-lug swap with vented calipers? If I grip the 5 lug stubs and kouki control arms, can I get a new wheel bearing, disassemble all the shit, and put it back together with my s12 axles etc and just the 5-lug stubs, or do I need to get the axle flanges as well? If I need the axle flanges, do I need to swap to a different CV axle as well?

The car is a 1985 SE Turbo, just to be clear.



S14 booster, brake master, and clutch master fitted

I don't think I have room to plug the fluid level sensor in.