85 hatch in New Zealand

Started by Juddez, 01:29:21 AM / 28-Dec-11

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Hey guys.
Thought I should start a build thread now that I am replacing the engine.

Got this 85 Hatch SGL2.0 in Jan 2011

As you can see it is missing hubcaps, only had one window wiper and had a bit of rust in it. Now keep in mind that the S12 is a VERY rare car in NZ so this was actually fair condition for what I paid for it

Post Merge: 01:31:55 AM / 28-Dec-11

I put a set of rims on a few months ago, just some 15x7's to use until i have the body work finished and can put some work equip 01's on (hopefully)
Also did a little panel and paint work

Post Merge: 01:40:04 AM / 28-Dec-11

A couple of weeks ago I received a delivery of :
2 x CA18DET's (one with an upgraded turbo (t28) and a 38mm external wastegate)
2 x 5 speed manual gearboxes
1 x CA18DE
1 x 4 speed auto box
2 x S13 looms
2 x S13 ECU
1 x S13 drive shaft
2 x t25 turbos
And a bunch of other stuff all for about $1600NZD

And today I started pulling the CA20E out getting ready for the swap

And here is all the buckets and containers of bits I have taken off so fat (note all the screws, nuts and bolts are in envelopes all labelled so I know where they came from )

I'll put up some more tomorrow once the engine is out

What does everyone think ??

Post Merge: 11:17:43 PM / 28-Dec-11

Got the engine out today.
Gonna prep the engine bay after new years and then put the CA18DET in.

And it was at this point that I started thinking "What the fuck have I gotten myself into?"


I keep my car cleaner then my room
Quote from: VG30DETT on 02:39:59 PM / 01-Oct-12
Fuck you then, I'll take my movies, box of chocolates, bottle of wine and chloroform somewhere else.
Quote from: StephenG on 08:06:21 PM / 28-Nov-12
Adding an SSD to that is kinda like strapping a 3 inch stainless HKS exhaust on a geo metro.


Jeremy A

Killer two-tone!  Which engine is going IN the car?  Lots of awesome builds lately!  Your's is one of em.


Had a CA20E (auto) in it. Building the best CA18DET (manual) I can out of the 2 engines I have sitting there. Engine should be going in some time in the next 2 weeks. I am going to be waiting on a clutch/brake pedal box from Australia as I cannot get one in New Zealand  :reallysad:

Thanks by the way


Considering the lack of camber in the pics and what looks to be rear drum brakes it appears that you got the solid rear axle. If thats the case I am guessing you have a late 84 model that was sold as an early 85 model.
Quote from: ka-tgazelle on 11:24:56 PM / 01-Jun-11 FIrst my rims are horrible, than there ok when painted black , now my cars horrible, now my fenders are to much after i was told i couldnt do it.... Lol club s12 ftw.....  Only here have Ive been told they look like shit..... SOrry its not bone stock with crown vic rims running the stock vg making 130whp and looks generic like every other one. My car looks dope ive been told this a billion times on local forums....


Quote from: Redneck on 01:59:30 AM / 30-Dec-11
Considering the lack of camber in the pics and what looks to be rear drum brakes it appears that you got the solid rear axle. If thats the case I am guessing you have a late 84 model that was sold as an early 85 model.

Yea it is SRA. First sold in NZ in March of 85


Quote from: Juddez on 02:12:01 AM / 30-Dec-11
Yea it is SRA. First sold in NZ in March of 85

Pretty cool you got a SRA model too. Here in the states the SRA's tend to be the most desirable (and rare) s12 variant after the SE's.
Quote from: ka-tgazelle on 11:24:56 PM / 01-Jun-11 FIrst my rims are horrible, than there ok when painted black , now my cars horrible, now my fenders are to much after i was told i couldnt do it.... Lol club s12 ftw.....  Only here have Ive been told they look like shit..... SOrry its not bone stock with crown vic rims running the stock vg making 130whp and looks generic like every other one. My car looks dope ive been told this a billion times on local forums....


Really ? For what reason ? I would much rather have IRS (coilovers  :yes:)


Drop the car and you wont have mad camber like the rest of us if we were to attempt it
I keep my car cleaner then my room
Quote from: VG30DETT on 02:39:59 PM / 01-Oct-12
Fuck you then, I'll take my movies, box of chocolates, bottle of wine and chloroform somewhere else.
Quote from: StephenG on 08:06:21 PM / 28-Nov-12
Adding an SSD to that is kinda like strapping a 3 inch stainless HKS exhaust on a geo metro.


Quote from: Prolowtone on 03:06:02 AM / 30-Dec-11
Drop the car and you wont have mad camber like the rest of us if we were to attempt it

This ^^

When you dump the IRS the rear camber gets pretty bad due to the archaic non adjustable semi trailing rear arm suspension. Even relatively modest drops of 1-1/2 to 2 inches and your rear camber is likely gonna be in the -4 degree range at the minimum.
Quote from: ka-tgazelle on 11:24:56 PM / 01-Jun-11 FIrst my rims are horrible, than there ok when painted black , now my cars horrible, now my fenders are to much after i was told i couldnt do it.... Lol club s12 ftw.....  Only here have Ive been told they look like shit..... SOrry its not bone stock with crown vic rims running the stock vg making 130whp and looks generic like every other one. My car looks dope ive been told this a billion times on local forums....


Speaking of dropping it..... Can you guys recommend some springs that are going to get me the lowest possible drop without having to do all the mods to put coilovers in an SRA ?

Post Merge: 04:18:22 PM / 30-Dec-11

New front mount arrived today

Core measures :
450mm wide
150mm high
75mm thick


Well its been awhile since I updated this. After finally getting all the little bits and piece together to build a complete, good quality, CA18DET out of the ones I had we attempted a fit today.
At first things went well, went in nice and easy, I might get away with the extra length of the manual gearbox without having to cut any of the tunnel out (should have about 2mm clearance, its extremely minimal but better than cutting anything).
The problem arose when we discovered the factory CA20E engine mounts (that bolt into the CA18DET) do not line up with the mounting points now they are on the new engine. Another smaller problem is the factory mounts do not allow me to put the oil filter in because of their shape.
So for now it is still sitting on the hoist and I have to get an engineer mate of mine to modify the mounts.
I will post photos of the problems I am facing tomorrow and then once its all sorted I will put up after photos.

Its been a long process but I feel we are finally getting somewhere


-Jason Arro

'85 Nissan 200SX (KA24DE)
'85 Nissan Silvia RS-X - FJ20 w/ dual Weber carbs
'84 Nissan 200SX Turbo
'85 Nissan 200SX Turbo
Drive it like you stole it, and work on it like you married it - self quote
Quote from: ka-t.orgHella flush and all associates should be gunned down for brainwashing people into thinking a 225 and lots of camber is proper wheel fitment. THAT IS EASY, anyone can camber a skinny as tire till it dosnt rub. Now fitting an 11 with a 315 on stock fender with reasonable camber, that is fitment. And looks, and performs better than both.
Quote from: s-chassis_only on 07:43:21 PM / 25-Sep-10 i dont own a s12 at the moment but trying to acquire one to get rid of my s13 hatch
Quote from: SHOUTBOX[27:54] zastaba: I had a friend touch the contacts on his distributer once
[28:04] zastaba: He did the super jumping up and down pain dance


First off, here a couple of pics of the engine sitting in the bay. The final one is the engine mount. You can see by one of the earlier pictures that the engine is already sitting VERY close to to the firewall so cant go back any further. I can modify the mount easy enough but was sure I had read in some of the threads that it should bolt pretty much straight in.

Any help or ideas guys ?

Just as a P.S. I love the way the DET looks in the engine bay. Cant wait until the thing is running  :laugh:

Post Merge: 02:53:14 AM / 26-Mar-12

Oh, and by the way, The engine bay is getting a nice tidy up once the engine is in and the wiring is done. I promise it will look better than it does at the moment


hey man nice build thread what part of nz are you in ? i picked up my s12 about 2 months ago ive done a bit to it might have to join you on a build thread keep it up be good to see another one in nz


zips1, join the S12 Silvia on NZ and Aus facebook page found here
Matt and I, as well as a few others from NZ are there and can help you out if you have any questions or whatever.

Also, Matt have you had anymore progress on your engine mounts?



Woops, sorry guys.
Havnt been on the site in ages and didnt realise I had posts on my build thread.
zips1, I am in Whangarei, Northland.
As Chris said, join the facebook page and catch up with some of the NZ owners. Unless you already have, in which case I have already approved your request.
Chris, waiting on engine hoist so I can check. I have had to customise the stock ca20 ones so we will see once I have the hoist.
Also, once that is done I will be updating the thread



After a bit of research and a lot of help from you guys on the facebook page, I have made some progress.
Turns out the reason my CA18DET would not bolt on to the x-member is that the NZ assembled, CA20E powered s12's had a Bluebird/FJ20 x-member in them. As opposed to the one the USDM and JDM ones came with.

(import one at the top, all painted and ready to go in)

I tracked down and purchased a parts car -

It was in a bad state when I got it.
Only purchased for the x-member, tail lights and spares.

After a Saturday and a half a Sunday (with a MASSIVE hangover) of hard work, we had the x-member was swapped, the pedal boxes pulled and the manual one installed in the project and finally the engine dropped in and bolted.

Now im waiting on my new Aluminium radiator, silicon radiator hoses, custom overflow bottle and oil catch can to arrive.
Once all of that is here, I will assemble it together, put all the fluids in and then have it wired.
Got a mate of mine to sus out a professional to do the wiring for me so he is just waiting for me to get my shit sorted haha.

Oh, and am I am sure some of you saw on the facebook page, I received these the other day (and have another 3 silvia ones heading my way)

So thats where I am at at the moment. I will be sure to upload some pics once everything is in place and the wiring is done.
Also a video of starting her up  :yay!:


where did you get that scooped hood from? I want.