[Belgium] S12 - Engine inside :)

Started by XortioN, 04:05:01 AM / 18-Nov-12

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So let me give you guys a little introduction;

I'm from Belgium and 24 years old (or do I say young). I've been a Japanese car fan since I was about 14 years old and I've always been crazy about the AE86 (don't shoot me). About 6 months ago I had the opportunity to buy an original Nissan Silvia S12 (CA18ET engine) from my best friend. So that's exactly what I did :)

This car will get a full restoration and later on also a new engine (CA18DET is already sitting in my garage).

So now the pics (or it didn't happen):

Step 1: cleaning the car

Step 2: buying an engine

and putting it on an engine stand

and removing all the tubing etc.

The car is now sitting in a garage me and my nephew are hiring:

The car in the back (Mercedes 170s) we'll also be restoring :)


nice car to start with just wondering what you had to pay for it


@Thx, Has quite some rust though. My friend bought it for around â,¬1500 ~ â,¬2000 (equals 1100 ~ 1500$), the price I paid for it was a real bargain so not really representative for its current value :P

So today I removed the front fender flares, the passenger side is damn rotten and ready for the junk jard. The other side was in pretty good condition! :)

Underneath is a pretty solid body except for the underside, that has some holes and will need to be cut and welded. Don't worry about the fenders though, I've got a solution ready which I'll be picking up this week at one of the local JDM shops.


do you think you could take a picture of the turbo decal on the door and but a tape measue above it so we can tell the size of it i really like it


I'll do that this wednesday and post it here :)


Salut XortioN
Jolie projet, un swap CA18DET ( Je suis entrain de faire le mien...)
Tu devrais trouver pas mal de pièce sur le forum France

Nice project with a CA18DET swapp (I'm swapping mine...)
You should find a lot of parts from the France forum



So you are getting a Grand Prix repro kit from the tuner shop in Belgium?

Where are you from in Belgium? I am from Eindhoven (Netherlands) just a little part from the Belgium border.
Nordschleife laps counter
2009: 4
2011: 11


@Fhu, Thanks for the forum. I'm already a member there since a couple of weeks but haven't introduced my project there yet. But I'll do that one of these days! :)
Good to know that you're also swapping a CA18DET in your S12 (which looks very nice by the way, like the rims!).

@sunny1600, I'm indeed getting a repro Grand Prix kit :)


oooooooh, gp kit and det swap. subscribed!
1991 300ZX Twin turbo - Ever lasting project
1985 200SX XE - Short term project / Soon to be daily. KA24DE swap in spring...


So I've picked up the body kit today but wasn't able to test fit it yet because a couple of bolts holding the front bumper are stuck (aka rotten :D):

@cutter67, My nephew wasn't there so it was kinda hard to take some decent pictures while holding a tape measure against it. So i'll try to do that this weekend when we're both working on our cars.
I can tell you the sizes i've measured:

TURBO letters are 5cm high and 15cm wide.
The banner behind 'Turbo' is 9cm high. But as I said, i'll try to take some decent pictures this weekend.


i dont think guys from europe should be able to post on here.....he ran down to his local speed shop and picked up a GP kit....i think they just post on the site just to tease us  :yes:

but great build going on cant wait to see how the kit fits


^ +1
i dont even want to know what the shipping would be to get that gp kit here....


Fhu i have tried contacting them exchanged emails at first they gave me the price and i emailed back how did ythey want payment and when could they ship no response been a month. that is why i contacted you i was hoping i could pay someone to get me one and ship it for me

Jeremy A

Oh my God that Grand Prix kit!  This is so tits!  It looks phenominal.  Really cool,  will this be the first kitted Grand Prix S12?


Quote from: cutter67 on 02:25:04 PM / 21-Nov-12
Fhu i have tried contacting them exchanged emails at first they gave me the price and i emailed back how did ythey want payment and when could they ship no response been a month.
I think my friend dkdsilver has the same problem. I sent him a link to it a while ago and they didnt get back to him
I keep my car cleaner then my room
Quote from: VG30DETT on 02:39:59 PM / 01-Oct-12
Fuck you then, I'll take my movies, box of chocolates, bottle of wine and chloroform somewhere else.
Quote from: StephenG on 08:06:21 PM / 28-Nov-12
Adding an SSD to that is kinda like strapping a 3 inch stainless HKS exhaust on a geo metro.


I've bought other stuff there before for my previous car (Honda Prelude) and always received answers. But as everyone already said, the problem is shipping costs.
He ships them from Poland to Belgium (at least that's what he told me) and that's why shipping to you guys would probably just make the kit too expensive :(

Reason why I made the decision is because he could lower the shipping costs for me since he also had to ship other stuff from that same guy (or girl?).


Quote from: Jeremy A on 05:25:35 PM / 21-Nov-12
Oh my God that Grand Prix kit!  This is so tits!  It looks phenominal.  Really cool,  will this be the first kitted Grand Prix S12?

No there are several more. One of them is Shaun (s13eater) with a crazy FJ setup from the UK.

The owner of the shop told me that he had a Groupbuy going on with some S12 owners from the States. But that was months ago. I also don't like the way he commicates by PM, in my case he did respond but I didnt like the way he said things.

Nordschleife laps counter
2009: 4
2011: 11


So what did we do today:

- Removed the spoiler (cause it's a spunge!)

- And cleaned it

- Then I removed the air intake

- And cleaned it

- And gave it a respray

- Then I removed the front bumper, and one of the headlights, also removed battery, coolant reservoir and window-clean reservoir:
Removing the bumper was a real pain in the ass and took me 3 hours because off all the rusted bolts :o


Very cool build!  I'm definitely keeping an eye on this.  I think I like the "injection" pinstriping just under the hatch lip more than the turbo sticker.

BoostedVG (in regards to people hating on the VG) - Me thinks they were not the mechanic they thought and blamed it all on the engine.

Colonol Gustard - youre one of the few people that represent the s12 chassis like a boss!