84 notch supercharged 1uzfe stage 2 drift build

Started by Spoolinups13, 06:49:16 PM / 15-Dec-12

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300 for the adapter, he sells on ebay. Youll also need a throwout adapter and a spacer for the input shaft ive yet to get in tough with him about the bell housing wether it needs to be machined or not.


i saw one on ebay i think for like 200-300

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durp didnt see ur post


nice to see some one else do a 1uz swap like you said im also a die hard nissan fan and i would love to put a vk56 but they dont fit in the engine bay like a 1uz does cant wait to see how your build goes though.
84 200sx ka24de
88 200sx ca20e
74 datsun 620


Theres a member doing a 1uz swap currently....


Ive never owned a v8 car especially with a 5 speed so i guess im kinda overly ambitious about finishing it lol, the other member doing a 1uz swap is just a little ahead of me. I have the motor on a stand now just re-gasketing it and paint, the trans i have and the adapter plate is on order. Its been a couple weeks since i updated so thanks for the bump ill have pics soon!
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Time for an update ive been making steady progress considering i wrench alone, got the motor,ecu, and harness out of the lexus and sent it off to the junkyard. It took me a solid 5-6 hours to pull the engine because the two bolts on top of the bell housing snapped off flush with the trans making it almost impossible to separate the two, gotta love 20 year old aluminum blocks and corrosion! Its on a stand and im currently just freshening it up, new gaskets,timing belt,paint..

This is how two toyota techs with different heights work on the same car (me on left)

Nice way to drop 320 bucks, cannot beat oem quality!

Just plopped some stuff on while im waiting on my starter contacts to come in...toyota put the starter in such a lovely spot!


Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


Looks good I wanna hear this thing fire up lol


Finally acquired some s13 coilovers which was the last thing i needed to convert the front end. I went with the bargain basment setup..s13 spindles,balljoints,inner tie rods, and escort out tie rods,300zx hubs. The coilovers are just cheap EM USA but i picked up all four used for 300, im actually surprised by there quality my ksports on the s13 actually have more rust on the threads than these.. I made some good progress 35 degrees outside no snow ill take it! Pulled the dash and finished up the front end  :yes:

Heater box and ac aint nobody got time for that




Woof. Smaller tires please!

Looks good otherwise man, keep it up :)
1987 SE V6 - Gone
2004 Mazda RX8 GT - Gone
2003 Subaru WRX - Gone
1997 Mazda Miata - SOLD!
2003 Nissan 350Z - Gone
1989 RHD RB25 S13 - Gone, thank god
1989 two tone SR coupe because s12s are dumb


Im kinda limited to certain tire sizes considering i get them for free so i cant get too picky, you would recommend a smaller tire on a 15x10 than what im running?


you just need some flares and roll the fenders and it look decent


Not a narrower tire, but I'd definitely go for a shorter tire if possible. Like a 50 or 45 series tire.
1987 SE V6 - Gone
2004 Mazda RX8 GT - Gone
2003 Subaru WRX - Gone
1997 Mazda Miata - SOLD!
2003 Nissan 350Z - Gone
1989 RHD RB25 S13 - Gone, thank god
1989 two tone SR coupe because s12s are dumb


I think the tires you got on there is perfect put some zg flares on there and ur set imo
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Nice work btw


Quote from: turbo-s12 on 10:00:07 PM / 21-Feb-13
I think the tires you got on there is perfect put some zg flares on there and ur set imo
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Nice work btw
Right on man  :yay!: thanks


Been making some steady progess on the swap, my collins adapter came in so i bolted the trans to the engine for mockup and dropped it in. The engine barely cleared the radiator support when going in with the load leveler at full tilt, its currently sitting on a dirtbike stand and the trans is supported by a jack stand. Fabricated some mounts tonight that ill be welding to the subframe tommorow.

Picked up this lexus lx470 manifold brand new for 60 bucks from a guy on craigslist, gonna need it for steering shaft clearance


Fuckin sweet! I want to run a v8 sooooooooooo bad!!
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That look sexy as fuck btw Looks like the s12 was equipped with a v8 from factory.... I may have missed this but what trans is that on the pic above. I'm still debating if i want to do a vh or a 1uz I'm waiting for someone to finish both before i decide and go pull a motor...


Thanks man, its fits like factory too i was even able to get an oil filter at work that fits the 1uz and clears the k frame. Im using a trans from a ka24e 240sx, this adapter plate will work with a ka,z32 or z33 trans thats the beauty of it. I have a z32 tranny as a back up aswell.


how much was that adapter and where did you get from....I'm liking my options right now...
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also that lx470 manifold looks like it might flow like crap....looks small in the pic.


The adapter is from collins performance i paid 300 for it, id recommend him over anyone else he was cool to do business with. The manifold does look restrictive as hell but i know tbe lexus lx470 is bigger displacement and makes more horsepower so theres no way my motor will lose horses from it. Ill have pic of the motor mounts and trans later..