VA S12 notch resurection

Started by ZX Knight, 12:12:18 PM / 08-Jan-13

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ZX Knight

Well Ive gone through hell and high water to get this car.  Ill start with the back info that I will just copy and past from my Welcome thread and ill Start from there.

Now for an outline of the crazy events of me getting this car:
-Thursday  evening I find the car and ask for more info
-Friday morning 6AM, i get pics of the car and more info
-7AM I hash out a price and tell him I want it (550$)
-8AM I call out of work and call my cousin to ask if he is up for the road trip.   I tell him ill be there in 15 min.
-830AM I find out the car isnt in West VA Like I thought (some how CL had it listed in WV)  ITs 7.5 hrs away in Ohio. :wideeyed:
-9AM I saw fuck it, we still going.
-12PM I get the tow dolly from Uhaul and set out
-5hrs into the drive my check engin light goes off.  I dont even pull over, just kept it moven
-730PM I get there, load up the car and spen the next 30 minn trying to find my way out of town.  There is no cell sevice, so the gps wouldnt work.  Found a state trooper at a gas station who pointed us in the right direction.
-For what ever reason the GPS doesnt take me home the way I came, it deciedes to take me str8 up the mountians.  I mean huge ass mountian.  I was towing the car home with my 01 Jeep Grand Cherokee V8 and the hills were so steep I wasnt sure the truck would make it towing the car.  The truck made it up the hills with no problem, str8 beastin. Although there was some extremly butt clinching moments, like on two diff occasions a whole block of up hille road had a inch thick layer of snow (it was like the plow just skipped that block).  The truck got a little squilie but mad it.
-1115PM we start runing low on gas, about 1/3 tank and there arent many gas stations around.  I find one coming down the mountian but the road to go in it is snow covered.  We slid down into the parking lot ,hoped out and grabbed some grub, gased up , and as we hop back in the truck hear somthing going SSSSssssss......  Ran over a nail :hahanot:. Pissed but couldnt help but laugh or I would have lost it.
Run back into the store and get some fix a flat and get back on the road (left the nail in)
-12Am  Im getting kinda tired so I find a rest stop to take nap.  Thank God we brought blankets because as soon as I turned the truck off, the temp dropped instantly.  Down to the 20s inside the truck.  Slpet till 2 and got back on the road.
-A couple of times the car started swaying behind us, usually on the downhills.  Every time there was an 18 wheeler right next to us (not a good feeling)
-745AM made it home........unloaded the car and started workin on it.... :yay!: to excited to go to sleep.

Moving on to a Build up/ Project thread.......

Post Merge

So for the month of Jan I will be looking to:
-Swap front end with s13 or 14.  Which ever I can find.  (Ill be completing the front end this weekend if all goes smooth, which it never does)
-Get pricing on a custom 2.5 catback exhaust (the muffler on mine has the entire side ripped open)
-Fix the issue with the poor idle and non starting after 2min of warm up.   (Ive been told to replace the CTS but after some research I think ill start with cleaning the IACV and see where that takes me)


Hahaha sounds like a fun trip :) Welcome to the club
I keep my car cleaner then my room
Quote from: VG30DETT on 02:39:59 PM / 01-Oct-12
Fuck you then, I'll take my movies, box of chocolates, bottle of wine and chloroform somewhere else.
Quote from: StephenG on 08:06:21 PM / 28-Nov-12
Adding an SSD to that is kinda like strapping a 3 inch stainless HKS exhaust on a geo metro.


Nice sounds almost as bad as my trip to norcal for my black hatch.... but replace tow dolly with tow strap and replace v8 truck with 6 cyl sante fe rental and replace snow with rain lol.... Gotta tell you my black hatch is never going anywhere for all the shit I went through haha....


Damn sounds like a adventure for sure.

ZX Knight

This morning I ran out side to pull off the IACV befor I went to work.  I did the research and thought I knew where it was located.....however it wasnt there.  I did find what I believe to be the IACV but it was at the back of the intake mani.  Pics below:   Is this the IACV?  and do you think this damage is what giving me issues?   What other vehicle has a interchangable IACV (there are no CA motors at my local junk yard)?


its in your other thread where the iacv is...


Colin L. - First recorded case of a running, drivable VG33ER swapped S12
In Print, 2/6/2011 - Nico Club
-'87 SE-V6, VG33ER Swapped
-Daily Driven S14K
-Graduate college at some point

What I lack in decorum, I make up for in absence of tact.
Quote from: sam31183 on 01:07:07 PM / 01-Sep-11
i has sweet coilovers and hoshinos, also my hood isnt pregnant with a supercharger baby.