85 200sx slow build

Started by turbo-s12, 06:14:32 PM / 17-Sep-13

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I made a long drive to get this s12 from a member on here (Jordan). Its probably one of the cleanest s12s ive seen so I had to take it home. Made the 6 hr drive home and the thing ran like a champ. Man it was a fun drive in this car!
Heres how the car sits now.

I dont really now the direction of this build but for now I will probably just clean it up a little, do some suspension and a nice wheel and tire.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not change anything on that car you have a time capsule there. do you realize how hard it is to find a car that is unmolested and in such great condition. just enjoy it for what it is


wow!!!!! look at that interior.... good buy man

eSd- counter-steer culture


I agree that I should probably leave stock but I cant then there is no fun for me. But It will be left alone for quite some time as im happy with it the way it is..... for now
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And yes I realize how hard it is to find a clean s12 ive been looking for 2 yrs until this car showed up.


It was fun to drive because of the mighty CA20!! I love driving mine back & forth over Snoqualimie.  BTW you are giving Cutter a run for the money being a S12 hog - glad you got this car.  Nothing better than getting a car driven by a little old lady.


Ya granny took good care of it for sure....and ya it made for a comfy ride back through Snoqualmie


BEAutiful! nice pin stripes too!


Ya I didn't like the pinstripes at first but now there kinda growing on me. Don't know if im going to remove them or keep em yet


ya pin striping is what caught my eye first. And its so PRESTINE!!!! i vote LEAVE IT!!!

eSd- counter-steer culture


If you ae going to remove the pin stripes, please sell the car instead.  Maybe put this car in storage until you are old like me so you won't want to change anything by then!


Why would I sell it? Its mine lol ill will never share this gem.


Dude, it's an 80's car... Pin stripes are mandatory!! lol I l also vote to leave them on!


Ill honestly probably leave them on. Just ordered some maintenance parts and a turbo lip.


Not much to update been busy with work and no time or money to do anything.
But i decided to remove those ugly ass pinstripes and give it a buff didnt turn out to bad.

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