85 s12 KA24de swap

Started by Noah A, 03:09:50 PM / 20-Sep-13

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Noah A

Pulled right out of a 240 and put on the stand.  The piston rings were blown and it was blowing smoke.  The valve seals were also bad.

Started to take everything off and clean it up. 

Why the hell I decided to paint it red I don't know really know, it was one of those ideas that seemed kinda cool and ended looking really stupid.

Some new bearings.

The silver turned out looking blue, also a bad choice.  It doesn't look so bad now that it's a little dirty though.

Put everything back on.  The pistons were also replaced but I don't have pictures of that or the very annoying valve seal replacement. 

Got a new waterpump/belts/timing chain/thermostat etc.

Getting ready to put the engine in

The wiring set up is all taped and tucked now.

And there's the swap, running pretty solid aside from some leaks  :shifty:

But yeah it wasn't too hard and it was fun.


I think your being a little hard on yourself about the paint colors. I think it looks fine. Nice job man. I love my ka-de hatch! Great inexpensive choice for a solid engine. Unfortunately though a lot of ka's are often worn out from abuse. Overall though its a much more practical option then spending a bunch of time and money modifying a ca18et or ca20e.
Quote from: ka-tgazelle on 11:24:56 PM / 01-Jun-11 FIrst my rims are horrible, than there ok when painted black , now my cars horrible, now my fenders are to much after i was told i couldnt do it.... Lol club s12 ftw.....  Only here have Ive been told they look like shit..... SOrry its not bone stock with crown vic rims running the stock vg making 130whp and looks generic like every other one. My car looks dope ive been told this a billion times on local forums....



We went with a red/silver/black theme on the VG33 we put in my wife's pathy and i thought it turned out great.  Keep up the good work.
Quote from: VG33ERGazelle? on 04:50:38 PM / 26-Aug-11
I was afraid all the five gallon buckets of pain stacked four high were going to fall over


You gonna update this thread ever?

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
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Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


Noah A

Latest update, I got a full aluminum koyo racing 240sx radiator in combination with nissan altima electric fans courtesy of Waylon! Just have to mount it properly and I am still waiting for the temperature sensor hose part to come in from nissan

looks good


Dont thank me. Thank Sterling. rad looks great btw. When you gonna get the UFO wheels on the car?

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.

Noah A

I am gonna get them powder coated white eventually because I cleaned them up and it looks like the clear coat started to come off and they look hella dirty


Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


So the time to fix my idle issues has come.  My injector flow was higher than stock for each injector as well as a leaky one, so I ordered brand new ones. None of the idle control was working, AAC, IACV, etc etc, so I got all new sensors and what not. The only problem right now is the new AAC valve uses the same plugs as the injectors and are different than the ones on the harness so I have to go to the junkyard to get some plugs off of some other nissan.


Those plugs are readily available at parts stores or on line & inexpensive, so get new ones!


damn going all out on that KA. will run like tits when ur done. GL

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


Does NoahA = Noah A or are they evil twins?

Noah A

I think when I logged in I forgot the space hahaha, when I initially created an account I forgot the space and made a different one

Yeah it's going to run greaaat, can't wait to feel the results


Noah, what paint did you use to paint the block? I think I am going to do that but to match the color of the blue car.
Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity


use gloss black engine enamel

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.

Noah A

It was just engine paint from pep boys


Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity

Noah A

the valve that's supposed to be in the AAC wasn't even in the old one lol