85 s12 KA24de swap

Started by Noah A, 03:09:50 PM / 20-Sep-13

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Noah A

something isn't right. For one I think I may have the heater routed backwards on the KA. Also, the car starts okay now but idles at 15-1600 but doesn't go down afterwards. The AAC valve plugs were changed so I had to get different plugs, but when I wired them in I didn't know which wire should go to which on the different plugs, or if it even matters how it's wired. Anyone have any pictures of the KA/s12 heater set up or know anything about the wiring? I hope the idle control circuit is even getting power >.<
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So the AAC valve I ordered is from an s14 KA, and mine still uses a single cam ka one, and they are calibrated differently and thats why the plugs were different

classic nissan


i don't know why you say "classic nissan" - that seems to be a pretty good idea in my opinion - if it doesn't plug in there's a reason.
Hey, truck engine + truck turbo - why not?


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