86 Hatch Drift Build; From VegasDrift to ClubLoose

Started by IggyEGuana, 08:18:26 PM / 05-Dec-13

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EDIT #2 - February 2015:  This thread shows my 2014 drift season and then goes into 2015 and serves as a basic build thread for the car and a chronicle of things happening with the car. If you have any questions about the build that arent answered then just check the previous 2013 build thread (linked below) or just ask.

EDIT - May 2014: No longer gonna be doing a VH45 swap. Staying CA20ET powered for now.


This is the official start of my 2014 build. Heres the thread from 2013's build/season. http://club-s12.org/retro4/index.php?topic=36188

Heres the car in action during 2013

Its an 86 hatch. Originally a higher optioned CA20 car with a 5 speed.
Heres a brief rundown of how the car is already modified:
-Stripped down
-Roll cage
-S12/13/14 hybrid front suspension/steering setup
-S12 Turbo R200 rear end, welded
-Silhouette Autosports adjustable rear trailing arms (https://www.facebook.com/SilhouetteAutosports) made by me
-600lb/in Eibach springs on adjustable perches in the rear
-CA20ET setup with side by side radiator/intercooler. 10psi boost and 185whp dyno'd

Planned changes for 2014:
-VH45DE swap
-Mod the oil pan to be low profile, high capacity, and baffled/gated.
-New Silhouette Autosports Z31 adjustable rear arms with the better vented brakes
-New front coilovers or find inserts for the 1st gen Cusco ones I have
-Mod steering knuckles for more angle and reduced ackerman, they're currently stock S13
-Replace foxbody mustang KYB shocks with E-150 KYB shocks
-Strip the whole car down and paint it white inside and out, add vinyl Silvia Super Silhouette livery
-Possibly make the switch to 17 inch wheels but I might stay on 15s
-Initially I'm going to run no power steering still but if it turns out I need it because of all the added weight up front I'll go with a MR2 electric pump and probably mount it under the dash

I've had the VH45 since late 2010. Heres the donor car. A wrecked but running fine 94 Infiniti Q45

The engine still in the Q

Pulling it out back in early 2011. Thanks to Jason (sideways_s12), Kendra (Mrs.Sideways_S12), Jeremy (Jeremy A), and Jake for all the help. It was a team effort.

Z32 300ZX non-turbo manual trans. Got lucky and snagged it out of the junkyard

Mazworx trans adapter plate. Allows the trans to bolt to the engine. Unfortunately theres no manual trans that bolts straight to the VH45

Started going thru and removing the BS and labeling the harness today

I have high hopes for this build. Not a day goes by that I dont daydream about drifting while making V8 noises. Of course time and money are both worries. Theres a lot to do in this off season and not much time. I've been lucky so far to be able to take my time and fish out the best deals but now its go time.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned!

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


I like how my vg30e when I rev her up, it almost has the deep v8 sounding. This is why I like my vg30, the power it throws and torque is just there, but I can't wait to see what the vh45de sounds like built up, and I heard about the oil starving when sideways with this motor, I wonder if you have heard about this as well? I heard of the fix before but I do not recall this was someone who planned a swap to their s13.

Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity


Let's go! I can't wait to hear her fire up!


Quote from: Wonderingraven on 08:40:27 PM / 05-Dec-13 I heard about the oil starving when sideways with this motor, I wonder if you have heard about this as well? I heard of the fix before but I do not recall this was someone who planned a swap to their s13.

Yeah the vh45de seems to have this reputation as I have heard this from a few different sources as well. If you read Iggy's plans for it though he said he plans on modifying it for a higher capacity and baffles which should hopefully solve the oil starvation issues when going sideways.
Quote from: ka-tgazelle on 11:24:56 PM / 01-Jun-11 FIrst my rims are horrible, than there ok when painted black , now my cars horrible, now my fenders are to much after i was told i couldnt do it.... Lol club s12 ftw.....  Only here have Ive been told they look like shit..... SOrry its not bone stock with crown vic rims running the stock vg making 130whp and looks generic like every other one. My car looks dope ive been told this a billion times on local forums....


Yeah, that is it... I forgot what it was. Hah! so never mind then he has it covered like a baws!
Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity


That's gonna be a fun ride bro. All that grunt and a light weight chassis. Good times.
"Sense is not always common" -self quote

My Build Thread: http://club-s12.org/retro4/index.php?topic=36053.0


I want a ridealong when this gets up and running.
Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity


Thanks guys. for sure gonna sound ridiculous. you have no idea. and yes the vh is known to spin/score rod bearings while drifting with an OE oil pan. ARP rod bolts are on the to-do list. I could run an Accu-sump but idk if its in the budget. although i've heard you can build one for a lot cheaper. we will see. Still gonna mod the pan for clearance either way.


Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


provided mine is running and tuned I want to run you when you get the motor in there I want to see how I stack up...


well you will have the advantage of lighter weight and probably more power as well sooooooooo. but i'll still run it!!

Today they released the 2014 Vegas ProAM schedule.

Good news and bad news. Good news is there are more practice days and 5 Rounds of competition instead of 4. Bad news is some of them are going to be held in Arizona. Makes no sense to me why VEGASdrift would happen in AZ. I guess its like a shared round or something. The REAL bad news is round 1 is in mid january. thats basically just over 1 month from now. no where near the time i need to do much of anything on my list. I think getting the motor swapped in that time will be tough but possible. Between round 1 and round 2 is a gap of about 2 months. AND round 2 is in AZ which I only have a small chance of getting to run. In fact if I dont make round 1 its entirely possible I wont be drifting AT ALL until April. that blows. But they did say they are trying to do round 1 in Feb instead of Jan. Idk why its so hard but whatever.   

Anyway I'm kinda bummed on this schedule. it pretty much makes everything I'm trying to do harder. We will see how things go.

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


I am actually going to take a small break and wait till April, to get some seat time but will come on the local events to support,  It's odd but I think it's because they partnered with IFO. Hence why they are also following the IFO Schedule now in AZ and Bakersfield.
Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity


Yeah I don't think I'll have the weight advantage lol I believe I weigh more than your motor lol so my full interiored car along with my big ass I'll probably be heavier than your car with you in it. Also as far as power goes that depends on funds lol it's possible that I will still be on 5psi by the time your done. I think itll be close...


ya but my engine it 500lbs alone. yours is 280lbs. maybe we are even. should be interesting

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


ok I don't weigh more than your motor lol but definitely should be interesting...


Got a little more work done on the engine and got a few small things in the mail. Ordered my clutch and flywheel setup. Next thing on my list is machining the bellhousing

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.



Ebay clutch and flywheel set. Z32 NA (VG30DE)

Flywheel is 11.5lbs

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.


Whats the pedal going to feel like? Close to stock or more of an on off switch...


well the hardest clutch to drive was on the ca18det. it was a solid puck as well but with a 9lb flywheel on a light rotating assembly 4 cyl. The ca20et is a solid 4 puck act but its on a stock flywheel so its a little easier not to stall it. This one will be easier than the ca18det was too cuz its a v8. As far as how hard the pedal is to push down. that depends on the pressure plate clamping load. none of these pressure plates I've had are high load plates. its just the clutch disc material thats grabbier.

I got a few more small things for the build. Flywheel bolts cuz the stock flexplate bolts on the motor are too short. a flywheel is thicker than a flexplate. I got ARP rod bolts. Just to help protect against a spun rod bearing. I got a couple more gaskets I needed and I got some steel to build the motor mounts and mod the trans mount with.

I also got the S12Silvia.com 2014 calender. Check out July! http://www.redbubble.com/people/s12silvia/calendars/11204090-s12silvia-com-2014-calendar
Post Merge

Quote from: sideways_s12 on 09:19:17 PM / 21-Dec-13
Whats the pedal going to feel like? Close to stock or more of an on off switch...

Forgot to answer your question. On/off switch

Waylon Deno - Silhouette Autosports (check it out on facebook)
Drift Build Thread
Quote from: Arro
you sir are emblazoned with win.
