
Started by Van_Denton, 11:24:48 AM / 21-Jun-14

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I recently got this, a nice unfinished project, totally standard except it has a DET mounted in but hasnt been wired up or plummed in etc!

So first thing first was the wiring! Ive wired the relays in except for the fuel pump which im having trouble with, when  attach the black/pink wire to the relay it doesn't work, but if I attach a ground it does come on but stays on.

The interior is pretty mint!

Just needs a clean.

Exterior is pretty scrappy though!

Missing the rear wing :(

And has a dented rear bumper!

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So taking a break from the wiring/head scratching I took a look at the rear bumper. Dont have a manual so working out how to get it off was pretty fun!

I guess this is why its bent.

I hoping a heat gun will make it straight!

Should be able to straighten this bracket out.

Theres a bit of rust that needs to be sorted before the bumper goes back on!

Put on a new hopefully correct slave cylinder? was a 3/4.

Need a new Power steering pulley as this is a v belt one.

My plan is to get it running and then legal for the road, then just muck around in it for the summer, might even lower it ;) Then I will pull the motor and sort the bay out and go through the loom properly eliminating all the spare wires as its a total mess in their right now!



Got a bit of a brake upgrade planned. Some cheap z32 26mm calipers.

Someone had previously painted them with brush! So put some paint stripper on.

Gonna need one more coat.

Bought some cheap intercooler piping.

LOL@90 Degrees

Starting to clean up the lower arms.

That's it so far.


Am a bit confused about some of the vac lines.

is this right?
Post Merge

Started to make a bracket for the intercooler, here you can see the previous owners top intercooler bracket!!

so made a top mount bracket.

I mounted it like this so I can get another bumper that hasn't been cut!! If only I could find one :( Otherwise I could mount it so more of the intercooler is visible but I would worry abut ground clearance.


Looking real good man! I'm envious of the euro short bumpers.

Quote from: David B
wow. im horny. i dont know why. but i just figured id let you guys know. i really wanna bite someones bean. i mean. chomp on some ass
Quote from: Arro on 12:26:40 AM / 10-Nov-10
hahah Alex just pwned C-S12, w3rd.



Tht vacuum line is ok. I'm pretty sure it's for bumping your idle speed when u start up.  That little valve thing it goes to closes up as your engine warms up or on a timer or something


How do you tell with these engines how much oil is in it?

sorry for total noob question :)

Just need one more bend which i will have to order!! to complete pipe work.

Had a poke around the body!

Which led to this!

Which led to this!

Which led to this!

So needs a bit of work there.

Hi Mr Swap You like the euro bumpers but I love the USDM spec lights!!! If anyone is reading this and wants to sell their turbo rear wing/spoiler I will pay good money for it plus shipping to the uk!! let me know!


Still cracking on with this.

Is this the reverse light switch?

Also testing what wheels might fit with the z32 brakes, here is the z32 caliper inside a 15" Nissan Primera steel wheel. Theres no disc and there are 2 x20mm nut im using as a spacer and it fits!/ so that's why it wobbles a bit!

So I was getting some wheels banded but now im thinking of getting some diamond racing wheels as the exchange rate is in my favour so it works out cheaper. I need custom offsets, only thing is looking at the diamond wheel, it might have a smaller diameter inside the wheel than the steel wheel I just tested?

Anyone have a 15 or 16 inch DRW they can measure the inside diameter for me?




those head rests are brilliant.
Well I got the engine plumbed in, intercooler pipes all welded up. So go to start and nothing, just turns over. Theres fuel so the fuel pump relay is working. Ive triple triple checked all the wiring. Couldnt check the spark as I didn't have a spare plug or a 16mm deep socket. So will check spark tomo after I buy socket. Will check the cam posistion sensor as well.

Also will see if the diagnostics on the ecu will work.

Does this behaviour look right, the lights go out while cranking then flicker back on.

Will swap the relays around in case 1 is broke. cant think of what else.


Where are you located?


I'm in northampton, uk. Or noho  as I call it or nohope.


Lol How close is that to norfolk?


Norfolk? its about 2 hours drive. Why Norfolk? that's where all the old people go to die!
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ok, Got spark so that's good.

I can hear the injectors ticking, not sure if number 1 is though as I pulled the plugs and when turning over number 3 spark plug hole gets really wet, 2 and 4 don't get wet but you can really smell the fuel and 1 you get nothing not a whiff of fuel just air.

So im a bit confused, its getting spark and fuel in 2,3 and 4 but yet doesn't even try to fire, just turns over.

So for next weekend will get new plugs and a noid light to check if the injectors are firing.

Could there be anything else stopping it from firing?


Lol because that's where my mother-in-law lives right now and where we will be staying once we get there.
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If you pull the cas while plugged in and turn the car on (but not start) turn the shaft and you should hear all the injectors firing you may have a bad injector from the sound of it but it should run on 3 cyls if you have spark and fuel to the other 3.


Yeah thats what i was doing in that video but it was dificult to identify which injectors were clicking. Should of put my finger on them or some thing. Will check with the noid light. I guess my wiring is ok in that i have spark and fuel!

As for norfolk you been there before? Theres nice country pubs and stuff but i imagine theres culture shock involved coming from vegas!


I've never been to the U.K. at all. My wife and her family are from there and live there and she wants to go home so we will be moving once we get the funds together. She wants to be there by xmas but I don't see that happening.


^^ oh nice, we can go for a beer when u get here.

No. No it isn't!!!


Yes it is! It started!!!!!!

so put the noid light on number 1 injector plug and nothing, no light. Put it on the others and it worked on 1-3. So I printed the wire diagram A0 ! my eyes arnt what they used to be.

So checking all the wire colours  I realise that 1 - that's not an injector wire! and 2 - the injector plugs are on the wrong injectors! and 3! - every plug is broke!

Does anyone know if you can buy just the plugs?

The air regulator plug is chopped so need a lug for that.

Anyway my battery in my phone died so got my dad round to video it, Dads and phones though! he missed the actual starting of it, bless him.
Also I look really concerned about something - dunno what though lol.

So now need to time it properly and wire in the battery to the boot and tidy all the wiring up.

Also my dad was concerned that the actuator rod wasn't moving? when does it move?


Anyone know what this plug is for? Im guessing it goes to the original relays?


Transmission harness maybe? I deleted mine because racecar lol.