the ky sr20 s12 rebuild

Started by zach84s12sr20, 09:13:47 PM / 29-Jun-14

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Well i drove this as a dd for 2 years till recently i took it to the drag strip and spun #2 rod. Its an 84 turbo was burnt orange till it started getting surface rust on roof and hood.

So my new plan is to fix the Sr i got in it and get another to do a mild build.
I got a Toyota pickup rear axle and Im also going to sra the rear cause i do drag it and occassionaly drift at the local pad  hidden from cops for now. But here are some pics of the start of my new dd.

The s12 by the possum squasher and the dumd eclipse

The start of the pull out and i have to be quick cause its an my gfs apartment lol

And i found this after removing the manifold. Never had it off before


Well its been awhile since I updated this but I got it going again. The rod was still good and in spec the crank wasn't to bad but needs turned.

So I went a cheaper route and just robbed the crank out of my se-r. It was rusted and I never got a title and it wat wrecked pretty bad. But the crank is in everything is in spec so I started dropping it in.

Finally got it all back in.

And it runs a lot better now for some reason. And I got some new wheels jnc 017 17x9 with a 3.5 lip.

Now to get tires and gather parts to swap rear end and s13 front suspension.


Hey, truck engine + truck turbo - why not?
