SoCal Meet December 20th!!!!!!

Started by Colonel Gustard, 12:27:39 PM / 03-Dec-14

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Colonel Gustard

December 20th, 10am-1pm, Miramar College in San Diego, be there of be square!! Hoping for a huge turnout since we havent had a SoCal meet in ages! Come on down people!!!

"Certified Member of SoCal Parts Alliance."

Quote from: SlickS12 on 09:47:21 AM / 08-Mar-11
what the hell is camber?

Quote from: Prolowtone on 11:26:43 PM / 27-Oct-11
I thought about my s12 and the parts i want to put in her :P

Quote from: SchizophrenicMC on 03:11:12 PM / 02-Dec-11
Obviously, you have yet to meet Colonel Gustard.
Quote from: Ghetto Jack on 03:15:17 PM / 02-Dec-11
I saw some of his posts, he seems like more fun than a barrel of hookers.

