84 S12 KA-T Drift Debauchery Extravaganza

Started by Modulus Two, 04:35:16 PM / 07-Feb-15

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Modulus Two

I'm still alive and so is my build. I haven't touched it in forever, but I've finally gotten some time and money to put into it.
So, what's been done to it in the past 3+ months? I FINALLY got the CA engine mounts off the engine cross member. I pulled off the steering rack and started taking off the piping to make it a manual conversion.

Then 2 days ago, I saw a deal for a complete KA setup for $500.
I got a complete running engine, harness, ecu + more for $350, which is a much better deal than I got on the first engine I bought.

Right now, I'm working on putting back together the steering rack, getting it mounted, putting the cross member back in, and maybe drop in the new engine tonight. sounds like a lot of work, but I'm hungry to get this car completed.
Maybe some pictures to come.

Modulus Two

"New" parts are in! I think I can have this engine running by the end of the week!  (Overly optimistic)

I mated a Tranny...

Set of S13 front brakes and rotors.  $30

Set of S13 front knucks and hubs. $50

Set of new S13 front LCAs from Rock Auto, $35 ea.

Now, I'm just looking for some cheap S13 coilovers so I can get this car rolling to the metal shop to do some frame repair work.

Modulus Two

I finally got off my ass and started putting things together and on the car.

Steering is complete again. Just need to source some front coilovers.

She's a dirty bitch, but she's mine.

I've got the S13 brake lines ready to put on and I've got a friend, who is a fellow S12 owner and KA converter, coming over on Saturday to help with wiring and engine install.
If all things go according to plan, I could have a running vehicle by the weeks end!
