Project: Bad Luck / Nissan Silvia S12 CA18 ET

Started by Hashiriya San, 05:59:26 PM / 10-Mar-15

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Hashiriya San

So basically I'm the Owner of Civic Scene (Honda's and Acura's) and I have always had various Projects from one extreme to another, I look at myself as a Car Enthusiast overall but nothing touches me like a Japanese car.

One reason or another I always wanted to get into drifting and came close a few times to buying various old RWDs but nothing ever led me to just doing it until now when I was at a point in my life where I lost everything due to the break down of a relationship, I was considering just walking away I sold all my parts had no project cars and that's a sore subject lol, I put one of the great guys I know in charge of Civic Scene and I closed our store down as I was going through the hardest Christmas and point in my life. (most in the UK Honda scene know him as UJ he certainly is no stranger).

Then a month ago my Brother-in-law(owner of Slambox) told me one of our friends had an S12 Silvia sat under a cover, it wasn't for sale but he already had an R32 GTR, lalalalalalala Lexus and a Track Mini and this one he was just building at a slow pace and it was at the bottom of the pile really, so my eyes lit up that I could own such a cool car and here we are.

Plans are:
lots of cutting and welding
GP Kit (undecided)
S13 Coilover conversion and rear box section to fit Coilovers
Colour is undecided Blue or Midnight Purple or wrap etc...
Wheels are undecided, some form of real JDM wheels no replicas at the moment it has a set of Bridgestone Zonas.
Full Rollcage, buckets, harnesses etc...

Im a perfectionist I know the look I want so as time goes on I will source parts from across the globe like the best looking rear lights, RSX or Gazelle goodies whatever the cars other names are as I learn more, spoiler undecided BGW or nice and subtle duckbill oem etc.... basically I build my cars how I see perfect everything has to have a certain look to it, if it pisses off the purists I don't care long as it looks sweet at the end.

For now she looks old and in need of so much TLC but the underneath is not as bad as you might think, but its totally standard, un-drifted and been stood for some time, really looking forward to getting stuck into this one.

Also any advice about building an S12 is very welcome I would be interested to hear all about the CA18 DET conversion and if its abit of a myth about them being shit engines, because its less work to drop one in than an SR20 DET.


Welcome! Seems like the car is in decent shape and you have done some searcher into what you want to do. have delt with both the ca and sr and have no real complaints about either, yet.
I keep my car cleaner then my room
Quote from: VG30DETT on 02:39:59 PM / 01-Oct-12
Fuck you then, I'll take my movies, box of chocolates, bottle of wine and chloroform somewhere else.
Quote from: StephenG on 08:06:21 PM / 28-Nov-12
Adding an SSD to that is kinda like strapping a 3 inch stainless HKS exhaust on a geo metro.