prw-2 transitor swap

Started by Ju_S12_Turbo, 02:31:54 AM / 14-Oct-12

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Quote from: Mr.510 on 06:50:27 PM / 13-May-13
I upgraded my car to a PRW-2 ignition transistor from a Pathfinder yesterday. I took a few pics that I thought might make it a little bit easier to understand which wires connect to what. Keep in mind that the wire colors in your donor pigtails could be different depending on year/model and it's connecting the correct pins in the two plugs that matters, NOT connecting the same color wires! If both of your plugs have the same color wires in the same places as mine you can copy exactly what I did.

My car has an MSD-6AL and Blaster 2 coil. The red wire and white wire with spade connectors plug into the red and white wires coming out of the MSD. If your car doesn't have an MSD the red wire would instead attach to the black wire with white stripe and the white wire would connect to the blue wire in the two-wire plug that connected to the stock transistor.

I soldered my connections and used heat shrink tubing to protect them from corrosion. Here's a close up of the pigtail cut from the original transistor to clarify which wires go to what pins in the pic above:

I think it's obvious in the first pic where the wires go, but here's close up of the PRW-2 pigtail cut from the Pathfinder just in case:

The completed adapter harness with transistor ready to plug into the car:

My car seems to run better and has a bit more 'crisp' throttle response. :thumbsup: This seems typical of what guys report on Z31P with this upgrade so I don't think it's entirely in my head.

haha, this is way easier then the way I did it. I love it!


How much is this part if bought new?
"speed limits are like herpes, you can never get rid of them"-Jeremy Clarkson
Quote from: EightySix200SX on 10:33:26 PM / 11-Mar-12 Going places knowing your driving something you won't see every five minutes is priceless
1988 200sx SE-ROXY
1987 200sx xe hatch back - Shelli(sold)
2002 mitsubishi lancer OZ rally- daily driver - Flow(traded for SE)


I think last time I checked it was like around 80 on rock auto.
Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity


"speed limits are like herpes, you can never get rid of them"-Jeremy Clarkson
Quote from: EightySix200SX on 10:33:26 PM / 11-Mar-12 Going places knowing your driving something you won't see every five minutes is priceless
1988 200sx SE-ROXY
1987 200sx xe hatch back - Shelli(sold)
2002 mitsubishi lancer OZ rally- daily driver - Flow(traded for SE)


Yes sir, that is why I get 2 for a very cheap price of $5 at pick a part.  I would pick more, but I don't need it.
Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity


I cant do that here. All local yards liquidated all imports about 5 years ago
"speed limits are like herpes, you can never get rid of them"-Jeremy Clarkson
Quote from: EightySix200SX on 10:33:26 PM / 11-Mar-12 Going places knowing your driving something you won't see every five minutes is priceless
1988 200sx SE-ROXY
1987 200sx xe hatch back - Shelli(sold)
2002 mitsubishi lancer OZ rally- daily driver - Flow(traded for SE)


Quote from: Wonderingraven on 08:46:43 PM / 05-Jul-13
Yes sir, that is why I get 2 for a very cheap price of $5 at pick a part.  I would pick more, but I don't need it.

You paid for something like this at a wrecking yard?  That's a pocket-able item yo!

BoostedVG (in regards to people hating on the VG) - Me thinks they were not the mechanic they thought and blamed it all on the engine.

Colonol Gustard - youre one of the few people that represent the s12 chassis like a boss!


Lol, I have to show some support to the ms13 guys who run it.
Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity


I did mine a few days ago. I have a totally remanned "w" series motor with about 2k miles on it. Even with the fresh build, it still has always struggled  at idle from a cold start. This morning it was around 20* outside and it started and Idled perfectly. I have never seen it run this well. Highly recommended.
Post Merge

As a side note, this Must be stickled!
on a long enough timeline, everyones survival rate drops to zero

86 200sx notch racecar (soon to be kade)
86 200sx notch ka swap project
87 200sx se welded diff beater
87 200sx se daily driver
76 cadillac miller meteor endloader hearse

Mr Amber Shades

Just did it today.  I noticed idle is better and throttle response is improved.  Starting seemed better too. 

Real test will be cold morning start

Here it is before I soldered it and cleaned it up.  I wanted to test it before finalizing.
A car that verbally tells me i forgot my keys in the ignition?  That's pure 80's gangster right there!


I finally got around do trying this upgrade...very nice is another pix to add to help trace the wires.


This thread should be cleaned up and Stickied, because this is a bad ass mod.


A quick note I should have added to this thread a long time ago: You really should mount the PRW-2 transistor to something. Mine was not mounted but was captive between my MSD and inner fender, under the airbox. After a month or so the car started running weird but only when going slow in traffic or whatever after having just run it really hard. Turned out to be the transistor getting hot... and mine does not even carry the coil's load! It only triggers the MSD which directly powers the coil. I don't drill random holes in my rides so I just mounted a 'new' transistor to a piece of 1/16" thick aluminum about 2" square and stuck in the little cubby hole under the airbox. lol The piece of aluminum sheet is plenty of heat sink, even after sustained high RPM use the transistor is barely warm. I shitcanned the old transistor because heating electronics until they misbehave isn't the best thing for longevity. The car has pretty much run perfect since.   :thumbsup:


BTW, maximas have them mounted to a sweet little bracket that basically bolts into where the air box used to go.

And yes, I love my PRW-2!

Quote from: David B
wow. im horny. i dont know why. but i just figured id let you guys know. i really wanna bite someones bean. i mean. chomp on some ass
Quote from: Arro on 12:26:40 AM / 10-Nov-10
hahah Alex just pwned C-S12, w3rd.


Finally got to do mine, it is definitely better. It used to buck a lot if I didn't downshift enough to its liking, now it is much smoother. Anyone know if the PRW-2 works for the CA18ET as well?


Redone my PRW-2 swap.
Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity


Wow, Old School on the coil! How is it working out?


quick fast and in a hurry, works great.
Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity