Steering wheel play

Started by lk1ng04, 04:48:12 PM / 16-Mar-17

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Ok so i installed a smaller steering wheel. But i noticed an excessive amount of dead turning in which there is no movement..or excessive play either way n e one know where i can start to look so i can get that nice steering feel..power steering is operational and it had the same issue with the oem wheel..just more noticable with new wheel..
And on that bombshell


My guess would be the steering rack mounts or the steering rack itself. Have someone turn the steering wheel while you're under the car to see what's happening


Agreed. The steering shaft linkage is put together with splines so even if the bolt comes loose the sections should remain solid. If the rack itself is loose and able to slide side to side that would explain it. You might also look at the ball joints as a source of steering slop.


Yes, slightly jack up the car where you can get a good look underneath but the tires are still on the ground for resistance (or get it on ramps if you have some). Have someone turn the wheel back and forth while you check for play. Inner tie rods, outer, rack-they can all have free play that will drive you nuts.