Windshield wiper linkage problems

Started by donintampa, 02:32:43 PM / 12-Jun-17

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The wiper linkage on my 86 s-12 coop is actually rusted out at one end and the plastic clip was distroyed in the process. Any recent sources for the plastic insert?  I can fabricate a new linkage end but want to replace all the worn plastic while at it.   Thanks in advance.


I have seen assorted plastic cups at local parts stores. Need to take in one of yours for reference. Last time I did mine I got them from the dealer.


I found the replacement assortment at autozone and one size seems about right.  Still have to fabricate a new end for the rusted-out end, but I now have a plan.   

I keep thinking that the tuff rubber bands used for lobster claws would prevent any "pop out" for the older, still viable joints.  It's a great excuse to buy a lobster or two :-)


I had this prob with 86 notch.  Found beat up maxima say mid 90's used linkage inserts slightly different but got them to work