Restoration project #4 (Blue Bandit)

Started by S12_Lifer, 01:16:00 PM / 12-Sep-16

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I thought I would start on Project #4 since my Project #3 is at the paint shop and motor at the machine shop.  I bought this 1985 MK1 last year from a very young kid for $400.
The CA20e is dead and have no plans to revive her.  I'm not sure which motor I will go with at this time.  Until then, I will do the same to this car as my previous three projects, strip her down to the shell. 

Have you seen this machine before?  The auto shop just purchased it and all it does is push vehicles around the compound.  Sure did come in handy over the weekend. 

After parking in my favorite stall (#19), my first obstacle was a stripped bolt on the drive shaft.  Time to break out the dye grinder.

Every time I get in this position, I really feel that age creeping up on me.  Hope I'm not getting to old with this hobby (S12 for Life).

After cutting the bolt I removed the drive shaft, reattached the rear sway bar brackets and hand brake cable.

Time to remove the old and tired power plant.

Engine bay looks pretty good.  No major rust and no major damage to frame/body. 

Last step before towing to my house to get stripped.  May not continue this project until next month, JCCS Sept. 24 and Street Neo Classics 80's &90's next month.  Stay tuned.


Dude, you are a mover! Glad to see you keeping so much of the fleet going! Are you still finding parts cars in the junk yards out there?


That's a big negative Cajun1guy!  All three yards in San Diego have been dry of S12's for months.  I do however have my own supply of parts as you know.  Time to start pulling them for the projects.  My goal is to restore 10 S12's before my back goes out on me or retirement (8 more years), whatever comes first.


That's fantastic Jay! I wish you the best in your endeavor. I can relate to the back issue, I hurt bad every time I work on mine. I need to pull the CA18ET for some needed work, just can't seem to work that in right now. My 13 year old is asking about the S12's much more lately, but I think his plans don't seem to be in line with my idea of prolonging the life of these rare machines.


Updated 08/02/17 - I thought I would spend a little time working on project #4.  I decided to go with another SR20DET.  One reason is parts availability.  My favorite source is Enjuku racing where they have many parts for this motor.  Another is reliability.  I had my SR for almost five years and never had any major problems.  The only major work I done to the motor was replace the timing chain and oil pump.  No other internal replacements which is why I keep the boost at 10 psi.   I like the overall curb appeal of the SR more so than most motors.  I think they look better especially when combined with quality parts.  Lastly, this motor is an easy swap because it bolts right in and does not require any custom mounts.  There will be no cooling issues as opposed to dropping a larger motor.  It also really helps when you have the best tuner/mechanic for this motor in San Diego.  I will be assisting Chris with this build and keeping you all posted.

This is the motor I chose between 8 other SR's.

They asked me if I wanted to do the compression check even though I did not need it because the entire motor will be completely rebuilt.   I told them to go ahead and do the check.  I was looking for at least 125 or better.

I don't know if you can see the video but the guage was reading anywhere from 85-125.

Dropping the motor in to check for fitment as well as my top mounted Garrett GT3071R Dual Ball Bearing Turbo.

Fabricated transmission mount.  Once everything was fitted, we removed the motor and towed the shell to the Auto Hobby Shop on base so I can drop the fuel tank for inspection, roll the fenders and strip the car for the paint shop. 

I was not sure what this fluid was but I knew it was not good.

After pulling the fuel pump, this is what I saw. 

Fuel pump assembly was full of corrosion.

Time to disconnect the hoses and drop the tank.

Using a floor jack to drop the tank.

Time to take the tank to the high steam pressure wash to clean it out. 

After drying in the sun, the inside did not look to bad.  I plan to insert a liner just in case of rust issues.  I will be installing the Walbro 255lph high pressure fuel pump.

Unfortunately, this shop does not have the fender roller tool so, I will be doing it the old fashion way...........also known as "Old School."

Using a mallet to pound the metal tabs in.  My paint and body guy will take care of smoothing the fender. 

Stay tuned for restoration project #4 (Blue Bandit).



I like those wheels whatever they are :).
Why not just roll the guards without cutting them? Hammer and dolly does the job nicely, you can usually get away without really hurting the paint although it seems you'll paint it anyways.
Good thing that SR is getting rebuilt, compression doesn't seem too flash. What's your power goal with the highmount? 450-480hp?

If looks could kill you'd have eyes like cyanide...


Congrats on your new project!  I absolutely love seeing the s12 loved and being made to be on the road!  You are an inspiration.  Long live the s12!


Updated:  02/05/18 - I completed stripping this project down to the shell.  It's time to get some body work done and to get her painted.  I'm going with the 2018 Lexus RC F, Ultrasonic Blue Mica 2.0 with black trim.

After stripping the front part of the car, I removed the glass, doors and hatch which was a little damaged. 

The paint guys did not waste any time getting started on the main body. 

I left the hatch on so they can fix the alignment.

My paint guy says that this project should only take a couple of weeks since it is not so busy.  Will see.


Updated 07/25/18:  I finally picked up the Blue Bandit from the paint shop after four months!  This will be the best part of the restoration.  Here are a few pictures.

My SR dismantled and ready for the machine shop.

Stay tuned for project #4 (Blue Bandit).
