New to S12 Club: Hi

Started by TheWanderer, 09:15:36 PM / 12-Nov-18

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Hello all,

I'm new to the S12 Club and wanted to say hello. I found this 1987 Nissan 200SX on Craigslist for $400 and best decision I ever made, hopefully. Here goes my first project car! Just out of curiosity is there any meets that ever take place around midwest area?



That looks like a lot of s12 for just $400. Looks great!


Car looks good and you got it at a great price. There are always car meets but I don't think I ever heard of just a S12 meet here. I know the guys from California get together all the time.
I believe I have the only S12 where I live which is central IL. I think there are a few running around in Chicago. So welcome and have fun working on it.


A guy sure could have done a lot worse for a lot more. Welcome.