help with '87 hatch power widow motor

Started by dug, 12:23:38 PM / 15-Sep-19

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recently my power window motor went out on my hatch, so i ordered the part and started taking apart the door but i can't seem to figure out how you're supposed to take the old motor out. This is my first window motor replacement so it may just be something general i am missing but any help would be greatly appreciated!
My main issue is that the screws on the old motor are on the backside of it facing the window so there is no room to fit in a screwdriver or anything to take them out.


Been a long time. Are you sure theyre screws and not rivets?
Theres 10mm bolts that hold the glass in - if you pull the glass, can you then reach?

If requested, i maybe can dig up the fsm, and tell you exactly how its put together.


That'd be great if you could dig that up. i dont have the car with me at the moment but i remember them being screws, could be wrong lol. Ill try to work with the glass to see if i can get it out that way next.

deee lao

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