{MD} WTB CA20e Fuel sending unit hanger

Started by 200sxHoon, 11:08:25 AM / 24-Mar-22

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 :grumpy: Mine is donezo (as in i threw it away cause im dumb). Anyone know of any other interchangeable hangers? D21 an S13 don't seem similar enough to work. OR should i just say fuck it an run a fuel cell? Was trying to keep the car un modded as possible.. but you know how that goes lol



RockAuto has the fuel pump itself :sniffles: I am In need of the sending unit with the top hat that has the harness connecter an attaches to the fuel lines


ok Check parts geek they might have it. i heard oemsurplus.com is on ebay now and they used to have a lot of stuff for our cars


I haven't seen the pump housing anywhere for many years :(


iirc, saw one on Ebay a couple months back. Didn't have the means to order it then.. The 89' nissan D21 fuel sending unit/hanger top hat looks very similar, but i don't want to pay $250+ to find out how similar  :laugh: had to solder a new pump into the sending unit of my '88 SE. I know it ain't gonna be that easy trying to splice a D21 or 89 S13 one into the S12 CA20e harness. I have the wiring diagram just for the sending unit/top hat. Aware of two s12s in this guys yard (if he still has them) not to far from me!!! Fingers crossed when i go to vulture them, i can grab one of the hangers if not both. Also saw this in tank fuel cell hanger 



I still need to test this theory, but someone told me the Frontier from an 01 has the same lineup for an s12 fuel pump assembly with the float and so on and they where using that they did some minor tweaks to the length as something a little too long?

Looking at rockauto I can see how it could work, wiring can be converted if you know which wires to convert and if you are doing the custom fuel pump wiring mod (always on) then you just need sensors and ground connected while maintaining the mod.
Hacker | Streamer | Gamer | Drifter
1987 - Project: Zombie Ritual
1986 - Project: Serenity


Hmmm, not a bad idea.. Fortunately, I just got back from visiting that yard i was mentioning prior. There is 6 S12 cars in this yard!!! I about fell out seeing every one of them. V bad shape sad remnants though. All of them had the top hats out, Most sending units were gone..  I FIND TWO!!!  :angel: they need some cleaning an I think some wiring is messed up on one ; two units nonetheless. All tha fenders were dented or too far gone along with metal grill fillers smh. In a side note: I Tboned a deer in My '88 SE goin like 55 60 last year and straight crinkled the hood in on itself ( scored a ok decent hood too with some rust at the yard).  Headlights flipped all the way back, new bumper i had just painted an fitted fucked. i have to pull the rad support now because it pushed it so far in .. miraculously the thing still drives. Literally, did not leak or steam or anything. But, yea I guess this is End Thread 'cause i got two TopHat now

love an thanks yall for responding  :yay!:
