Spring tensioner supplier

Started by alundra, 09:45:46 AM / 30-Jul-23

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Do someone know where I can buy a spring tensioner for timing belt, please?

Despite a new tensioner bearing and new belt, the timing belt vibrate and seems very loose compare the old one.

I tried Amayama and the reply me that they can't supply them.

OEM number 13071D0100 or 13071D0110

Perhaps there is an other way too.

I'll appreciate that.



Maybe post a pic of your installation. I see you are in France - rockauto usually has them readily available as does Ebay. Did you follow the FSM directions for setting the tensioner?



It's not my first time changing the timing belt.

The fact is I can found here the tensioner but not the spring tensioner itself.

Here you can see mine is too bent (touch the cover and not enough bent for the proper tension, my cambelt is wiggling at idle)




So sorry mis-read your request - yeah those springs are hard to find. I had and extra, sent to another member several years ago

George Lambadas

I'm pretty sure i still have mine off of my CA18ET. I'll have a look this weekend (my car and parts are at the cottage) and let you know



Is there a proper way or a trick to install this?
I always bend the thing outside and slide it after hooking on the other bolt but I use a lot of force on the bolt which go inside.